import arcpy import pandas as pd
def Shp2dataframe(path): ‘‘‘将arcpy表单变为pandas表单输出‘‘‘ fields=arcpy.ListFields(path) table=[] fieldname=[field.name for field in fields] #游标集合,用for 循环一次后没办法循环第二次!一个游标实例只能循环一次 data=arcpy.SearchCursor(path) for row in data: #Shape字段中的要数是一个几何类 r=[] for field in fields: r.append(row.getValue(field.name)) table.append(r) return pd.DataFrame(table,columns=fieldname)
#将由ReadTable读取的pandas表转换为shp格式,template为模板 def Dataframe2ShpTemplate(df,outpath,geoType,template): ‘‘‘ Fuction: make the table of pandas‘s DataFrame convert to the shp of esri Input: df -- pandas DataFrame from the shp converted outpath -- the shp output path geometryType -- the type of geomentey, eg:‘POINT‘,‘POLYLINE‘,‘POLYGON‘,‘MULTIPOINT‘ temple -- the temple, at most time it is used the DataFrame‘s shp ‘‘‘ out_path = outpath.replace(outpath.split(‘/‘)[-1],‘‘) out_name = outpath.split(‘/‘)[-1] geometry_type = geoType #template为模板,可以将里面属性全部赋予新建的要素,包括字段、坐标系 feature_class = arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management( out_path, out_name, geometry_type, template) #‘*‘表示插入所有字段,但如果不用模板容易产生位置不对等 #cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outpath,‘*‘) for row in df.index: #Shape需要改为‘[email protected]‘才可以写入 df[‘[email protected]‘] = df[‘Shape‘] cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(outpath,[field for field in df.columns]) cursor.insertRow([df[field][row] for field in df.columns]) print ‘Pandas to shp finish!‘ del cursor
时间: 2025-01-17 11:50:44