codeforces 848B Rooter's Song 思维题


首先我们观察能得出两个结论,1. 类似蚂蚁爬树枝的问题,相遇只会交换方向,所以最后的射出点集只会因为碰撞而改变动点与射出点的对应关系,而不会增加减少射出点集。2.我们根据其射入位置和延迟时间可以计算出一个值v=pos-time,只有这个值相等才可能发生碰撞。





#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#define LL long long
using namespace std;
const LL N = 100005;
LL n, w, h;
struct node
    LL g, p, t;
map<LL, vector<LL> > g[2];
node v[N];
int main()
    while (cin >> n>>w>>h)
        g[0].clear(), g[1].clear();

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            node temp;
            cin >> temp.g >> temp.p >> temp.t;
            g[temp.g][temp.p - temp.t].push_back(temp.p);
            v[i] = temp;
        for (map<LL, vector<LL> >::iterator it = g[0].begin(); it != g[0].end(); it++)
            sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
        for (map<LL, vector<LL> >::iterator it = g[1].begin(); it != g[1].end(); it++)
            sort(it->second.begin(), it->second.end());
        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            node e = v[i];
            int dg;
            if (e.g == 0)
                dg = 1;
                LL siz[2];
                siz[e.g]= g[e.g][e.p - e.t].end() - lower_bound(g[e.g][e.p - e.t].begin(), g[e.g][e.p - e.t].end(), e.p);
                siz[dg] = g[dg][e.p - e.t].size();
                LL miz = min(siz[0], siz[1]);
                if (siz[e.g] <= siz[dg])
                    cout << w << ‘ ‘ << g[dg][e.p - e.t][miz-1] << endl;
                    cout << g[e.g][e.p - e.t][g[e.g][e.p - e.t].size()-siz[e.g]+miz] << ‘ ‘ << h << endl;
                dg = 0;
                LL siz[2];
                siz[e.g] = g[e.g][e.p - e.t].end() - lower_bound(g[e.g][e.p - e.t].begin(), g[e.g][e.p - e.t].end(), e.p);
                siz[dg] = g[dg][e.p - e.t].size();
                LL miz = min(siz[0], siz[1]);
                if (siz[e.g] <= siz[dg])
                    cout << g[dg][e.p - e.t][miz-1]<<‘ ‘<<h << endl;
                    cout << w<<‘ ‘<<g[e.g][e.p - e.t][g[e.g][e.p - e.t].size() - siz[e.g] + miz]<<endl;


    return 0;

codeforces 848B Rooter's Song 思维题

时间: 2024-12-15 01:44:47

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