STM32F3 159.233 Assignment 2

159.233 Assignment 2
Due 6th May 2019
This assignment is concerned with building a simple memory and co-ordination toy using the STM32F3 Discovery board
The board should do the following:
When powered on, the 8 LEDs should spin in a circle until the blue button is pressed.
When the button is pressed, a random sequence of LEDs will light up. Only LD3,LD7,LD10, and LD6 (PE9, PE11,PE13 and
PE15) can be in the sequence and each LED in the sequence must be different to the previous one. Each LED must be lit for
500ms. The sequence cannot be the same each time the program is run.
After the sequence has been played, the user has to tip the board to recreate it. Initially all the LEDS will be off. One of the 4
LEDs will light up when the board is tipped towards it (use a threshold of 200 in the x and y direction from the accelerometer
with a 2G full scale sensitivity). When the accelerometer detects that the board has been tipped towards an led for more than
500ms it will go off. If it is the correct LED for the sequence, the next LED in the sequence will be detected until they are all
correct. If an incorrect LED is detected, the correct LED will be lit for 500ms and the toy will return to the initial spinning
The initial sequence will show 3 LEDs, if the sequence is recreated correctly, a sequence of 4 LEDs will be shown, then 5, then
6 and finally 7. If the user recreates a 7 LED sequence, all the LEDs will flash repeatedly on and off for 200ms until the button
is pressed.
You must submit a single file which will compile using the online mbed compiler ( Use only the library
available here:

If you want a more challenging assignment and have a VGA cable and monitor, as an alternative to the above you can submit a
port of an arcade game of your choosing, e.g. Asteroids ( or Breakout
( Use the accelerometer and user button as controls. Use the space
invader demo here for the video/graphics:
or the colour video demo here:
The connections to the VGA cable are described in comments at the start of video.c in both examples (the colour connections
are different).
Marks will be awarded for well written programs which correctly implement the toy or game. Use comments in your code to
document it. Marks will be subtracted for plagiarism, late submission and bad documentation.
M Johnson 2019

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或邮箱:[email protected]



时间: 2025-01-11 12:25:38

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