「Leetcode」975. Odd Even Jump(Java)







class Solution {
    public int oddEvenJumps(int[] A)
        int size = A.length;
        boolean[] odd = new boolean[size],
                  even = new boolean[size];

        TreeMap<Integer, Integer> tm = new TreeMap<>();

        odd[size-1] = even[size-1] = true;
        tm.put(A[size-1], size-1);
        int ret = 1;
        for(int i=size-2; i>=0; --i)
            Integer ceil = tm.ceilingKey(A[i]),
                    floor= tm.floorKey(A[i]); // the greatest key <= the given key or null

            if(ceil != null)
                odd[i] = even[tm.get(ceil)];
            if(floor!= null)
                even[i]= odd[tm.get(floor)];
            if(odd[i]) ret++;

            tm.put(A[i],i); // as a result, it will always keep a biggest pos of A[i].
        return ret;


时间: 2024-11-11 13:45:56

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