23 design patterns.
Creational Patterns |
1. Abstract Factory抽象工厂 |
创建几个类似的类的一个实例 |
2. Builder生成器 |
分离对象构造与它的表示 |
3. Factory Method工厂方法 |
创建几个派生类的一个实例 |
4. Prototype原型 |
要复制或克隆一个全然初始化的实例 |
5. Singleton单件 |
一个类仅仅能运行一个实例能够存在 |
Structural Patterns |
6. Adapter适配器 |
不同的类的接口相匹配 |
7. Bridge桥接 |
从事实上现分离对象接口 |
8. Composite复合 |
简单和复合对象的树形结构 |
9 .Decorator装饰者 |
动态加入到对象的责任 |
10. Facade外观 |
一个表示整个子系统的单个类 |
11. Flyweight享元 |
细粒度的实例用于高效共享 |
12. Proxy代理服务器 |
一个表示还有一个对象的对象 |
Behavioral Patterns |
13. Chain of Resp.职责链模式 |
一连串的对象之间传递请求的一种方式 |
14. Command命令 |
将命令请求封装为一个对象 |
15. Interpreter解释器 |
方法包括程序中的语言元素 |
16. Iterator迭代器 |
按顺序訪问集合中的元素 |
17. Mediator中介者 |
定义简化的类之间的通信 |
18. Memento备忘录 |
捕获和还原对象的内部状态 |
19. Observer观察者 |
一种方式通知到类数目的变化 |
20. State状态 |
在其状态改变时。改变一个对象的行为 |
21. Strategy策略 |
封装在类的内部算法 |
22. Template Method模板方法 |
推迟算法到子类的确切步骤 |
23. Visitor訪问者 |
对一类没有改变定义新的操作 |
1 AbstractFactory抽象工厂
使用频率: 高
UML 类图:
- AbstractFactory (ContinentFactory)
- declares an interface for operations that create abstract products
- ConcreteFactory (AfricaFactory, AmericaFactory)
- implements the operations to create concrete product objects
- AbstractProduct (Herbivore, Carnivore)
- declares an interface for a type of product object
- Product (Wildebeest, Lion, Bison, Wolf)
- defines a product object to be created by the corresponding concrete factory
- implements the AbstractProduct interface
- Client (AnimalWorld)
- uses interfaces declared by AbstractFactory and AbstractProduct classes
在 C# 中的结构代码:
2 Builder生成器
使用频率: 中低
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Builder (VehicleBuilder)
- specifies an abstract interface for creating parts of a Product object
- ConcreteBuilder (MotorCycleBuilder, CarBuilder, ScooterBuilder)
- constructs and assembles parts of the product by implementing the Builder interface
- defines and keeps track of the representation it creates
- provides an interface for retrieving the product
- Director (Shop)
- constructs an object using the Builder interface
- Product (Vehicle)
- represents the complex object under construction. ConcreteBuilder builds the product‘s internal representation and defines the process by which it‘s assembled
- includes classes that define the constituent parts, including interfaces for assembling the parts into the final result
在 C# 中的结构代码:
3 FactoryMethod工厂方法
使用频率: 高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Product (Page)
- defines the interface of objects the factory method creates
- ConcreteProduct (SkillsPage, EducationPage, ExperiencePage)
- implements the Product interface
- Creator (Document)
- declares the factory method, which returns an object of type Product. Creator may also define a default implementation of the factory method that returns a default ConcreteProduct object.
- may call the factory method to create a Product object.
- ConcreteCreator (Report, Resume)
- overrides the factory method to return an instance of a ConcreteProduct.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
4 Prototype原型
使用频率: 介质
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Prototype (ColorPrototype)
- declares an interface for cloning itself
- ConcretePrototype (Color)
- implements an operation for cloning itself
- Client (ColorManager)
- creates a new object by asking a prototype to clone itself
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了在当中创建新对象通过复制已存在的对象(原型) 在同一类的原型模式。
5 Singleton单件
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Singleton (LoadBalancer)
- defines an Instance operation that lets clients access its unique instance. Instance is a class operation.
- responsible for creating and maintaining its own unique instance.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示能够创建单例模式确保了仅仅有单个实例 (单身人士) 的类。
6 Adapter适配器
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Target (ChemicalCompound)
- defines the domain-specific interface that Client uses.
- Adapter (Compound)
- adapts the interface Adaptee to the Target interface.
- Adaptee (ChemicalDatabank)
- defines an existing interface that needs adapting.
- Client (AdapterApp)
- collaborates with objects conforming to the Target interface.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
7 Bridge桥接
使用频率: 介质
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Abstraction (BusinessObject)
- defines the abstraction‘s interface.
- maintains a reference to an object of type Implementor.
- RefinedAbstraction (CustomersBusinessObject)
- extends the interface defined by Abstraction.
- Implementor (DataObject)
- defines the interface for implementation classes. This interface doesn‘t have to correspond exactly to Abstraction‘s interface; in fact the two interfaces can be quite different. Typically the Implementation interface provides only primitive operations, and Abstraction defines higher-level operations based on these primitives.
- ConcreteImplementor (CustomersDataObject)
- implements the Implementor interface and defines its concrete implementation.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了桥接模式分离(分离) 从事实上现的接口。运行能够进化而不更改client所使用的对象的抽象。
8 Composite组合
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Component (DrawingElement)
- declares the interface for objects in the composition.
- implements default behavior for the interface common to all classes, as appropriate.
- declares an interface for accessing and managing its child components.
- (optional) defines an interface for accessing a component‘s parent in the recursive structure, and implements it if that‘s appropriate.
- Leaf (PrimitiveElement)
- represents leaf objects in the composition. A leaf has no children.
- defines behavior for primitive objects in the composition.
- Composite (CompositeElement)
- defines behavior for components having children.
- stores child components.
- implements child-related operations in the Component interface.
- Client (CompositeApp)
- manipulates objects in the composition through the Component interface.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了所同意的树状结构,各个节点均匀訪问。不管他们是叶节点或分支(复合) 节点创建的复合模式。
9 Decorator装饰者模式
使用频率: 介质
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Component (LibraryItem)
- defines the interface for objects that can have responsibilities added to them dynamically.
- ConcreteComponent (Book, Video)
- defines an object to which additional responsibilities can be attached.
- Decorator (Decorator)
- maintains a reference to a Component object and defines an interface that conforms to Component‘s interface.
- ConcreteDecorator (Borrowable)
- adds responsibilities to the component.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
10 Facade外观模式
使用频率: 高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Facade (MortgageApplication)
- knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a request.
- delegates client requests to appropriate subsystem objects.
- Subsystem classes (Bank, Credit, Loan)
- implement subsystem functionality.
- handle work assigned by the Facade object.
- have no knowledge of the facade and keep no reference to it.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示 Facade 模式,提供了一个简化和统一到一个大型的子系统的类接口。
11 Flyweight享元模式
使用频率: 低
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Flyweight (Character)
- declares an interface through which flyweights can receive and act on extrinsic state.
- ConcreteFlyweight (CharacterA, CharacterB, ..., CharacterZ)
- implements the Flyweight interface and adds storage for intrinsic state, if any. A ConcreteFlyweight object must be sharable. Any state it stores must be intrinsic, that is, it must be independent of the ConcreteFlyweight object‘s context.
- UnsharedConcreteFlyweight ( not used )
- not all Flyweight subclasses need to be shared. The Flyweight interface enables sharing, but it doesn‘t enforce it. It is common for UnsharedConcreteFlyweight objects to have ConcreteFlyweight objects as children at some level in the flyweight object structure (as the Row and Column classes have).
- FlyweightFactory (CharacterFactory)
- creates and manages flyweight objects
- ensures that flyweight are shared properly. When a client requests a flyweight, the FlyweightFactory objects assets an existing instance or creates one, if none exists.
- Client (FlyweightApp)
- maintains a reference to flyweight(s).
- computes or stores the extrinsic state of flyweight(s).
在 C# 中的结构代码:
12 Proxy代理模式
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Proxy (MathProxy)
- maintains a reference that lets the proxy access the real subject. Proxy may refer to a Subject if the RealSubject and Subject interfaces are the same.
- provides an interface identical to Subject‘s so that a proxy can be substituted for for the real subject.
- controls access to the real subject and may be responsible for creating and deleting it.
- other responsibilites depend on the kind of proxy:
- remote proxies are responsible for encoding a request and its arguments and for sending the encoded request to the real subject in a different address space.
- virtual proxies may cache additional information about the real subject so that they can postpone accessing it. For example, the ImageProxy from the Motivation caches the real images‘s extent.
- protection proxies check that the caller has the access permissions required to perform a request.
- Subject (IMath)
- defines the common interface for RealSubject and Proxy so that a Proxy can be used anywhere a RealSubject is expected.
- RealSubject (Math)
- defines the real object that the proxy represents.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了代理模式提供一个代表性的对象(代理) 控制着通往还有一个类似的对象。
13 Chain of Responsibility职责链模式
使用频率: 中低
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Handler (Approver)
- defines an interface for handling the requests
- (optional) implements the successor link
- ConcreteHandler (Director, VicePresident, President)
- handles requests it is responsible for
- can access its successor
- if the ConcreteHandler can handle the request, it does so; otherwise it forwards the request to its successor
- Client (ChainApp)
- initiates the request to a ConcreteHandler object on the chain
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了几个链接的对象(链) 提供对请求作出回应或转交给行中的下一个对象的机会的责任链模式。
14 Command命令模式
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Command (Command)
- declares an interface for executing an operation
- ConcreteCommand (CalculatorCommand)
- defines a binding between a Receiver object and an action
- implements Execute by invoking the corresponding operation(s) on Receiver
- Client (CommandApp)
- creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets its receiver
- Invoker (User)
- asks the command to carry out the request
- Receiver (Calculator)
- knows how to perform the operations associated with carrying out the request.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
15 Interpreter解释器模式
使用频率: 低
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- AbstractExpression (Expression)
- declares an interface for executing an operation
- TerminalExpression ( ThousandExpression, HundredExpression, TenExpression, OneExpression )
- implements an Interpret operation associated with terminal symbols in the grammar.
- an instance is required for every terminal symbol in the sentence.
- NonterminalExpression ( not used )
- one such class is required for every rule R ::= R1R2...Rn in the grammar
- maintains instance variables of type AbstractExpression for each of the symbols R1 through Rn.
- implements an Interpret operation for nonterminal symbols in the grammar. Interpret typically calls itself recursively on the variables representing R1 through Rn.
- Context (Context)
- contains information that is global to the interpreter
- Client (InterpreterApp)
- builds (or is given) an abstract syntax tree representing a particular sentence in the language that the grammar defines. The abstract syntax tree is assembled from instances of the NonterminalExpression and TerminalExpression classes
- invokes the Interpret operation
在 C# 中的结构代码:
16 Iterator迭代器
使用频率: 高
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Iterator (AbstractIterator)
- defines an interface for accessing and traversing elements.
- ConcreteIterator (Iterator)
- implements the Iterator interface.
- keeps track of the current position in the traversal of the aggregate.
- Aggregate (AbstractCollection)
- defines an interface for creating an Iterator object
- ConcreteAggregate (Collection)
- implements the Iterator creation interface to return an instance of the proper ConcreteIterator
在 C# 中的结构代码:
此结构的代码演示了所提供的方法来遍历的迭代器模式(迭代) 的项的集合未作具体说明的基础结构的集合。
17 Mediator中介者模式
使用频率: 中低
UML 类图:
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Mediator (IChatroom)
- defines an interface for communicating with Colleague objects
- ConcreteMediator (Chatroom)
- implements cooperative behavior by coordinating Colleague objects
- knows and maintains its colleagues
- Colleague classes (Participant)
- each Colleague class knows its Mediator object
- each colleague communicates with its mediator whenever it would have otherwise communicated with another colleague
在 C# 中的结构代码:
18 Memento备忘录模式
使用频率: 低
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Memento (Memento)
- stores internal state of the Originator object. The memento may store as much or as little of the originator‘s internal state as necessary at its originator‘s discretion.
- protect against access by objects of other than the originator. Mementos have effectively two interfaces. Caretaker sees a narrow interface to the Memento -- it can only pass the memento to the other objects. Originator, in contrast, sees a wide interface, one that lets it access all the data necessary to restore itself to its previous state. Ideally, only the originator that produces the memento would be permitted to access the memento‘s internal state.
- Originator (SalesProspect)
- creates a memento containing a snapshot of its current internal state.
- uses the memento to restore its internal state
- Caretaker (Caretaker)
- is responsible for the memento‘s safekeeping
- never operates on or examines the contents of a memento.
在 C# 中的结构代码
19 Observer观察者模式
使用频率: 高
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Subject (Stock)
- knows its observers. Any number of Observer objects may observe a subject
- provides an interface for attaching and detaching Observer objects.
- ConcreteSubject (IBM)
- stores state of interest to ConcreteObserver
- sends a notification to its observers when its state changes
- Observer (IInvestor)
- defines an updating interface for objects that should be notified of changes in a subject.
- ConcreteObserver (Investor)
- maintains a reference to a ConcreteSubject object
- stores state that should stay consistent with the subject‘s
- implements the Observer updating interface to keep its state consistent with the subject‘s
在 C# 中的结构代码:
20 State状态模式
使用频率: 介质
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Context (Account)
- defines the interface of interest to clients
- maintains an instance of a ConcreteState subclass that defines the current state.
- State (State)
- defines an interface for encapsulating the behavior associated with a particular state of the Context.
- Concrete State (RedState, SilverState, GoldState)
- each subclass implements a behavior associated with a state of Context
在 C# 中的结构代码:
21 Strategy策略模式
使用频率: 中高
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Strategy (SortStrategy)
- declares an interface common to all supported algorithms. Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by a ConcreteStrategy
- ConcreteStrategy (QuickSort, ShellSort, MergeSort)
- implements the algorithm using the Strategy interface
- Context (SortedList)
- is configured with a ConcreteStrategy object
- maintains a reference to a Strategy object
- may define an interface that lets Strategy access its data.
在 C# 中的结构代码:
22 Template Method模板方法模式
使用频率: 介质
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- AbstractClass (DataObject)
- defines abstract primitive operations that concrete subclasses define to implement steps of an algorithm
- implements a template method defining the skeleton of an algorithm. The template method calls primitive operations as well as operations defined in AbstractClass or those of other objects.
- ConcreteClass (CustomerDataObject)
- implements the primitive operations ot carry out subclass-specific steps of the algorithm
在 C# 中的结构代码:
23 Visitor訪问者模式
使用频率: 低
UML 类图
Theclasses and objects participating in this pattern are:
- Visitor (Visitor)
- declares a Visit operation for each class of ConcreteElement in the object structure. The operation‘s name and signature identifies the class that sends the Visit request to the visitor. That lets the visitor determine the concrete class of the element being visited. Then the visitor can access the elements directly through its particular interface
- ConcreteVisitor (IncomeVisitor, VacationVisitor)
- implements each operation declared by Visitor. Each operation implements a fragment of the algorithm defined for the corresponding class or object in the structure. ConcreteVisitor provides the context for the algorithm and stores its local state. This state often accumulates results during the traversal of the structure.
- Element (Element)
- defines an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument.
- ConcreteElement (Employee)
- implements an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument
- ObjectStructure (Employees)
- can enumerate its elements
- may provide a high-level interface to allow the visitor to visit its elements
- may either be a Composite (pattern) or a collection such as a list or a set
在 C# 中的结构代码