时间: 2024-10-13 07:34:06
ADF12C Taskflow Share vs Isolated
ADF12C Taskflow Share vs Isolated的相关文章
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ADF12C 一个taskflow绑定了多个managedbean之间的相互调用
An Isolated DAC Using PWM Output
An Isolated DAC Using PWM Output Arduino‘s (ATmega328P) PWM outputs via analogWrite can be conveniently turned into analog voltage levels through the use of simple RC filters. Since the PWM outputs are not isolated, using them to drive other devices
Web Share API的解释(译)
原文地址:https://github.com/WICG/web-share/blob/master/docs/explainer.md Web Share是一个提议阶段的Web API,用于将网站的数据(文本.URL或图片等)分享到任意的目标应用,比如系统服务.本地APP或其它网站.开发者可以创建一个通用的分享按钮,当用户点击时就可以触发一次系统分享的会话. Web Share所属的投石机项目(Ballista project)是Chromium的子项目,该项目致力于打通网站与网站.网站与本
Can you share some Scala List class examples?
Scala List FAQ: Can you share some Scala List class examples? The Scala List class may be the most commonly used data structure in Scala applications. Therefore, it's very helpful to know how create lists, merge lists, select items from lists, operat
Share data between VSTO and Excel DNA App domains
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virtualenv (isolated virtual environment) for python runtime
refrence: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/userguide.html#usage 1. install #pip install virtualenv 2. create a isolated env #cd ~ #mkdir -p py_env/dj_1.4 #virtualenv py_env/dj_1.4 3. active env #. bin/activate or #source bin/activate 4. deactivat
尝试在virtualbox fedora21 下安装additions和mount share folder
安装这个additions的过程,基本上可以参照 http://gamblisfx.com/how-to-install-virtualbox-guest-additions-on-fedora-21/ 拷贝一份过来就是, 1. 先更新内核 yum update kernel* 2. 重启 reboot 3. 安装kernel headers等 这一步很关键,因为之前好几次都是在这里失败了.没有看到这篇文章之前,估计是少了dkms(虽然我其实没有搞懂这个是什么),但是它works. yum in
Android Studio Share Project On Github
在Android Studio上将项目导入Github上: 1. 创建一个Project,点击VCS -> Enable Version Control Integration... 2.选择Git,点击OK 3. VCS -> Import into Version Control -> Share Project on Github 4. 在弹出的对话框里登录GitHub账号密码 5.登录成功后,弹出对话框,可以对即将导入到Github的项目进行描述 6.确认后,Add Files