


* Chapter 1. Technology Overview


***** 1.关系数据库及其sql设计的目地主要是为了数据相对静态和复杂查询比较少的应用(OLTP,磁盘数据的存取有相应的优化结构,当然内存数据库,数据存放在内存内)。

* 对于cep系统来说,内存数据库更接近其目地。


***** 2.cep引擎的实现和关系数据库的实现有点相反,数据库一般把数据存放到磁盘(静态的),我们通过网络把sql流传给数据库引擎,操作数据库,返回结果流,流向应用。

* 而cep则是把查询表达式存储,数据事件流流向其中。其实查询表达式中的窗口函数及表达式等组合起来,实现了一种条件性数据结构(时间范围或符合条件的数据才能流向其中存储)。


***** 3.cep提供了两种机制处理事件:事件模式和事件流查询。




import com.espertech.esper.client.Configuration;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EPServiceProvider;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EPServiceProviderManager;
import com.espertech.esper.client.EPStatement;

 * code for
 * @see
 * @author doctor
 * @time 2015年5月28日 下午3:51:18
public class QuickStart {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		// Configuration
		// Esper runs out of the box and no configuration is required. However configuration can help make statements more readable and provides the
		// opportunity to plug-in extensions and to configure relational database access.
		// One useful configuration item specifies Java package names from which to take event classes.
		// This snippet of using the configuration API makes the Java package of the OrderEvent class known to an engine instance:
		// In order to query the OrderEvent events, we can now remove the package name from the statement:see line40

		Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

		// Creating a Statement
		// A statement is a continuous query registered with an Esper engine instance that provides results to listeners as new data arrives, in
		// real-time, or by demand via the iterator (pull) API.
		// The next code snippet obtains an engine instance and registers a continuous query. The query returns the average price over all OrderEvent
		// events that arrived in the last 30 seconds:
		EPServiceProvider epServiceProvider = EPServiceProviderManager.getDefaultProvider(configuration);
		String expression = "select avg(price) from sec)";
		EPStatement epStatement = epServiceProvider.getEPAdministrator().createEPL(expression);

		// By attaching the listener to the statement the engine provides the statement's results to the listener:
		MyListener myListener = new MyListener();

		// Sending events
		// The runtime API accepts events for processing. As a statement's results change, the engine indicates the new results to listeners right
		// when the events are processed by the engine.
		// Sending events is straightforward as well:
		OrderEvent orderEvent = new OrderEvent("shirt", 75.50D);






 * Creating a Java Event Class
 * Java classes are a good choice for representing events, however Map-based or XML event representations can also be good choices depending on
 * your
 * architectural requirements.
 * A sample Java class that represents an order event is shown below. A simple plain-old Java class that provides getter-methods for access to
 * event
 * properties works best:
 * @author doctor
 * @time 2015年5月28日 下午3:59:02
public class OrderEvent {
	private String itemName;
	private double price;

	public OrderEvent(String itemName, double price) {
		this.itemName = itemName;
		this.price = price;

	public String getItemName() {
		return itemName;

	public double getPrice() {
		return price;

	public String toString() {
		return JSON.toJSONString(this);


 * Adding a Listener
 * Listeners are invoked by the engine in response to one or more events that change a statement's result set. Listeners implement the UpdateListener
 * interface and act on EventBean instances as the next code snippet outlines
 * @author doctor
 * @time 2015年5月28日 下午4:02:37
public class MyListener implements UpdateListener {

	public void update(EventBean[] newEvents, EventBean[] oldEvents) {
		EventBean eventBean = newEvents[0];
		System.out.println("avg = " + eventBean.get("avg(price)"));




06-20 16:03:27.702 main  INFO  c.e.e.c.s.EPServiceProviderImpl -    Initializing engine URI ‘default‘ version 5.2.0

avg = 75.5

时间: 2024-10-05 23:27:26


Esper入门简介:二 个人对它的理解

看了官方Esper Reference Version 5.2.0 800多的文档后(其实有的细节没细看),个人对它的理解是: 1.Esper像带缓存失效策略内存数据库. Esper中定义的EPL表达式,其实和sql很多相似功能,而且EPL里面有的不仅仅sql,扩展了很多语法.Esper会解析EPL,定义内存数据结构,缓存失效策略,数据保存,时间监听器,大数据方面的数据流/事件流,JDBCsql方式的查询等等. 比如,窗口函数定义是一种FIFO的缓存,底层用的是双端队列(java中的ArrayD

Esper入门简介:三、 对Esper底层数据结构特点分析,数据的入、出

package; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import com.espertech.esper.client.Configuration; import com.espertech.


1.几个相关的概念 白盒测试--把测试对象看作一个打开的盒子,程序内部的逻辑结构和其他信息对测试人员是公开的. 回归测试--软件或环境的修复或更正后的"再测试",自动测试工具对这类测试尤其有用. 单元测试--是最小粒度的测试,以测试某个功能或代码块.一般由程序员来做,因为它需要知道内部程序设计和编码的细节. JUnit --是一个开发源代码的Java测试框架,用于编写和运行可重复的测试.他是用于单元测试框架体系xUnit的一个实例(用于java语言).主要用于白盒测试,回归测试. 2.


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