arcengine 文件夹连接

Provides access to members that manages a GX catalog.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


The GxCatalog object implements the IGxCatalog interface. It lets you connect and disconnect folder objects. It also maintains the file filter associated with ArcCatalog.

The GxCatalog object represents your actual tree of data, as is shown in the tree view (the top-level object in the tree view). From the GxCatalog object, you can navigate to any of its descendants to access and manipulate them. The GxCatalog object is a type of GxObject and a type of GxObjectContainer because it is an item in the tree view and it contains additional GxObjects.

The GxCatalog object is also an event source, as it monitors the adding, deleting, and changing of the GxObjects within the Catalog through the IGxCatalogEvents interface.


Close Closes the catalog object. Clients that create a catalog object must call this method when they are finished using it.
ConnectFolder Adds a folder connection to the catalog and returns the folder object.
ConstructFullName Constructs the full name for an object.
DisconnectFolder Removes a folder connection from the catalog.
FileFilter The file filter.
GetObjectFromFullName Finds an object in the catalog tree given its full name. Returns a Variant containing an IGxObject or IEnumGxObject (if duplicate names were encountered), along with the number of objects found.
Location The location to the specified path. If the path isn‘t yet part of the catalog, it is added as a folder connection.
ObjectAdded Called when a new object has been added to part of the catalog.
ObjectChanged Called when an existing object from part of the catalog has been changed.
ObjectDeleted Called when an existing object has been deleted from part of the catalog.
ObjectRefreshed Called when an existing object has been refreshed.
SelectedObject The first selected object, or the location if no objects are selected.
Selection The selection.
时间: 2025-01-04 20:43:08

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[声明] 欢迎转载,但请保留文章原始出处→_→ 生命壹号: 文章来源: 联系方式:[email protected] [正文] Android DDMS 连接真机(己ROOT),用file explore看不到data/data文件夹,问题在于data文件夹没有权限,用360手机助手或豌豆荚也是看不见的. 有以下两种解决方法: 方法一:使用adb

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