leetcode-Basic Calculator-224






 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int calculate(string s) {
 4         int len=s.size();
 5         if(len==0) return 0;
 6         stack<int> st;
 7         int ans=0;
 8         int i=0;
 9         int flag=1;
10         while(i<len){
11             if(s[i]==‘ ‘){
12                 i++;
13                 continue;
14             }
15             if(isdigit(s[i])){
16                 int num=0;
17                 while(i<len&&isdigit(s[i])){
18                     num=num*10+s[i]-‘0‘;
19                     i++;
20                 }
21                 ans+=num*flag;
22                 continue;
23             }
24             if(s[i]==‘+‘) flag=1;
25             else if(s[i]==‘-‘) flag=-1;
26             else if(s[i]==‘(‘){
27                 st.push(ans);
28                 ans=0;
29                 st.push(flag);
30                 flag=1;
31             }
32             else{
33                 int a=st.top();
34                 st.pop();
35                 int b=st.top();
36                 st.pop();
37                 ans=b+a*ans;
38             }
39             i++;
40         }
41         return ans;
42     }
43 };
时间: 2024-10-05 19:03:52

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