
Frame Debugger 帧调试器

The Frame Debugger lets you freeze playback for a running game on a particular frame and view the individual draw calls that are used to render that frame. As well as listing the drawcalls, the debugger also lets you step through them one-by-one so you can see in great detail how the scene is constructed from its graphical elements.

帧调试器可以让你冻结回放运行中游戏的某一帧,然后看那一帧渲染的draw calls。和列出draw calls一样,帧调试器也允许你逐帧调试,所以你可以看到场景如何从它的图形元素构建的大量细节。

Using the Frame Debugger 使用帧调试器

The Frame Debugger window (menu: Window > Frame Debugger) shows the drawcall information and lets you control the “playback” of the frame under construction.

帧调试器窗口(菜单:窗口 > 帧调试器)显示drawcall信息,并且允许你控制构建过程帧的“回放”。

The main list shows the sequence of drawcalls (and other events like framebuffer clear) in the form of a hierarchy that identifies where they originated from. The panel to the right of the list gives further information about the drawcall such as the geometry details and the shader used for rendering.


Clicking on an item from the list will show the scene (in the Game view) as it appears up to and including that drawcall. The left and right arrow buttons in the toolbar move forward and backward in the list by a single step and you can also use the arrow keys to the same effect. Additionally, the slider at the top of the window lets you “scrub” rapidly through the drawcalls to locate an item of interest quickly. Where a drawcall corresponds to the geometry of a GameObject, that object will be highlighted in the main Hierarchy panel to assist identification.


If rendering happens into a RenderTexture at the selected draw call, then contents of that render texture are displayed in the Game View. This is useful for inspecting how various off-screen render targets are built up, for example diffuse g-buffer in deferred shading:

如果选中的drawcall是渲染到纹理(RenderTexture),游戏视图中会显示渲染纹理的图像。这对于检查各种离屏渲染目标如何创建有用,比如延迟着色的散射物体缓冲(g-buffer,Geometry Buffer)。

Or looking at how the shadow maps are rendered:或者看看如下,阴影是如何被渲染的:

Render target display options 渲染目标显示选项

At the top of the information panel is a toolbar which lets you isolate the red, green, blue and alpha channels for the current state of the Game view. Similarly, you can isolate areas of the view according to brightness levels using the Levels slider to the right of these channel buttons. These are only enabled when rendering into a RenderTexture.


When rendering into multiple render targets at once you can select which one to display in the game view. Shown here are the diffuse, specular, normals and emission/indirect lighting buffers in 5.0 deferred shading mode, respectively:

当一次渲染到多个渲染目标时,你可以选择在游戏视图中显示哪一个。下面的视图分别是Unity 5.0延迟着色模式的散射、镜面反射、法线和发射或非直线光:

Additionally, you can see the depth buffer contents by picking “Depth” from the dropdown:


By isolating alpha channel of the render texture, you can see occlusion (stored in RT0 alpha) and smoothness (stored in RT1 alpha) of the deferred g-buffer:


The emission and ambient/indirect lighting in this scene is very dark; we can make it more visible by changing the Levels slider:


Alternative frame debugging techniques 其它可供选择的帧调试技术:

You could also use external tools to debug rendering. Build a standalone player, run it through Visual Studio graphics debuggerIntel GPARenderDocNVIDIA NSight orAMD GPU PerfStudio, then capture a frame of rendering, and step through the draw calls and other rendering events to see what’s going on.

你也可以使用外部的工具调试渲染。打一个独立播放包,用Visual Studio图形调试器Intel GPARenderDocNVIDIA NSightAMD GPU PerfStudio运行,然后抓取渲染的一帧,并且逐步调试draw calls和其它渲染事件看看发生了什么。

This is a very powerful approach, since these tools can provide you with a lot of information to really drill down.

因为这些工具提供了真正穿过每个draw call的很多信息,所以是很强大的。

时间: 2024-10-05 11:55:26



1.资源地址 http://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/Architecture.html http://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/modules/beginner/architecture 2.

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