《how tomcat work》 搬运工 Chapter 14 Server and Service




public interface Server {
        * Return descriptive information about this Server implementation
           * and the corresponding version number, in the format
           * <code>&lt;description&gt;/&lt;version&gt;</code>.
       public String getInfo();

        * Return the global naming resources.
    public NamingResources getGlobalNamingResources();

        * Set the global naming resources.    *
        * @param namingResources The new global naming resources
    public void setGlobalNamingResources(NamingResources globalNamingResources);

        * Return the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.
    public int getPort();

        * Set the port number we listen to for shutdown commands.    *
        * @param port The new port number
    public void setPort(int port);

        * Return the shutdown command string we are waiting for.
    public String getShutdown();

        * Set the shutdown command we are waiting for.    *
        * @param shutdown The new shutdown command
    public void setShutdown(String shutdown);

        * Add a new Service to the set of defined Services.    *
        * @param service The Service to be added
    public void addService(Service service);

        * Wait until a proper shutdown command is received, then return.
    public void await();

        * Return the specified Service (if it exists);
           otherwise return    * <code>null</code>.    *
           * @param name Name of the Service to be returned
       public Service findService(String name);

        * Return the set of Services defined within this Server.
    public Service[] findServices();

        * Remove the specified Service from the set associated from this
        * Server.    *
        * @param service The Service to be removed
    public void removeService(Service service);

         * Invoke a pre-startup initialization. This is used to allow
         * onnectors to bind to restricted ports under Unix operating
         * environments.    *
         * @exception LifecycleException If this server was already
         * initialized.
      public void initialize() throws LifecycleException;



initiate method:将service初始化。

start method:将service启动。

stop method:将service停止。

await method:监听一个端口,如果在那个端口输入了stop命令这停止。




public interface Service {
  * Return the <code>Container</code> that handles requests for all
  * <code>Connectors</code> associated with this Service.
     public Container getContainer();

  * Set the <code>Container</code> that handles requests for all
  * <code>Connectors</code> associated with this Service.
  * @param container The new Container
     public void setContainer(Container container);

  * Return descriptive information about this Service implementation
  * and the corresponding version number, in the format
  * <code>&lt;description&gt;/&lt;version&gt;</code>.
     public String getInfo();

  * Return the name of this Service.
     public String getName();

  * Set the name of this Service.
  * @param name The new service name
     public void setName(String name);

  * Return the <code>Server</code> with which we are associated
  * (if any).
  public Server getServer();

  * Set the <code>Server</code> with which we are associated (if any).
  * @param server The server that owns this Service
     public void setServer(Server server);

  * Add a new Connector to the set of defined Connectors,
  * and associate it with this Service‘s Container.
  * @param connector The Connector to be added
      public void addConnector(Connector connector);

  * Find and return the set of Connectors associated with
  * this Service.
     public Connector[] findConnectors();

  * Remove the specified Connector from the set associated from this
  * Service.  The removed Connector will also be disassociated
  * from our Container.
  * @param connector The Connector to be removed
     public void removeConnector(Connector connector);

  * Invoke a pre-startup initialization. This is used to
  * allow connectors to bind to restricted ports under
  * Unix operating environments.
  * @exception LifecycleException If this server was
  * already initialized.
     public void initialize() throws LifecycleException;




public final class Bootstrap {
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    System.setProperty("catalina.base", System.getProperty("user.dir"));
    Connector connector = new HttpConnector();

    Wrapper wrapper1 = new StandardWrapper();
    Wrapper wrapper2 = new StandardWrapper();

    Context context = new StandardContext();
    // StandardContext‘s start method adds a default mapper


    LifecycleListener listener = new SimpleContextConfig();
    ((Lifecycle) context).addLifecycleListener(listener);

    Host host = new StandardHost();

    Loader loader = new WebappLoader();
    // context.addServletMapping(pattern, name);
    context.addServletMapping("/Primitive", "Primitive");
    context.addServletMapping("/Modern", "Modern");

    Engine engine = new StandardEngine();

    Service service = new StandardService();
    service.setName("Stand-alone Service");
    Server server = new StandardServer();

    //StandardService class‘s setContainer will call all its connector‘s setContainer method

    // Start the new server
    if (server instanceof Lifecycle) {
      try {
        ((Lifecycle) server).start();
        // the program waits until the await method returns,
        // i.e. until a shutdown command is received.
      catch (LifecycleException e) {

    // Shut down the server
    if (server instanceof Lifecycle) {
      try {
        ((Lifecycle) server).stop();
      catch (LifecycleException e) {
时间: 2024-12-19 02:08:24

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