Find and counter


In a sense, find is the opposite of the [] operator. Instead of taking an index and extracting the corresponding character, it takes a character and finds the index where that character appears. If the character is not found, the function returns -1.

This pattern of computation – traversing a sequence and returning when we find what we are looking for – is called a search.

Looping and counting

The following program counts the number of times the letter a appears in a string:

This program demonstrates another pattern of computation called a counter. The variable count is initialized to 0 and then incremented each time an a is found. When the loop exits, count contains the result – the total number of a’s.

from Thinking in Python

Find and counter

时间: 2024-08-09 06:07:28

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计数统计就是统计某一项出现的次数.实际应用中很多需求需要用到这个模型.比如测试样本中某一指出现的次数.日志分析中某一消息出现的频率等等'这种类似的需求有很多实现方法.下面就列举几条. (1)使用dict 看下面代码 #coding=utf-8 data = ['a','2',2,4,5,'2','b',4,7,'a',5,'d','a','z'] count_frq = dict() for one in data:      if one in count_frq:           cou

【开源】海看源代码统计工具 Haikan Source Code Counter

Haikan Source Code Counter 海看源代码统计工具 BY 杭州海看网络科技有限公司 ------------------- github上的地址: ------------------ 海看源代码统计工具V1.7.rar

codeforces 495A. Digital Counter 解题报告

题目链接: 这个题目意思好绕好绕~~好绕~~~~~,昨天早上做得 virtual 看不懂,晚上继续看还是,差点就想求救 XX 兽了,最终还是打住,尽量不要依赖人嘛.今天终于想到了,大感动 ~_~ 理解能力有待提高... One of the sticks of the counter was broken    这句话有一点误导人的成分,我刚开始就以为只有一条 stick 坏了= =,再看这句 becau


Counter类:计算序列中出现次数最多的元素 1 from collections import Counter 2 3 c = Counter('abcdefaddffccef') 4 print('完整的Counter对象:', c) 5 6 a_times = c['a'] 7 print('元素a出现的次数:', a_times) 8 9 c_most = c.most_common(3) 10 print('出现次数最多的三个元素:', c_most) 11 12 times_dic


1.collections模块 collections模块自Python 2.4版本开始被引入,包含了dict.set.list.tuple以外的一些特殊的容器类型,分别是: OrderedDict类:排序字典,是字典的子类.引入自2.7.namedtuple()函数:命名元组,是一个工厂函数.引入自2.6.Counter类:为hashable对象计数,是字典的子类.引入自2.7.deque:双向队列.引入自2.4.defaultdict:使用工厂函数创建字典,使不用考虑缺失的字典键.引入自2.


counter服务介绍:    我们sae这边counter服务给用户提供的功能为计数器服务,使用的软件为redis.而我们对counter服务的监控,是通过monitor来做的,主要操作就是set,get,delete,increase,create,remove等操作.而counter报警问题,之前也存在,大概两三天会有一次报警. 报警问题主要分为如下两个阶段: 一,某天counter服务频繁报警:    是因为之前monitor的counter监控只监控了com组webruntime, 把


MapReduce Counter为我们提供了一个窗口:观察MapReduce job运行期的各种细节数据.今年三月份,我曾专注于MapReduce性能调优工作,是否优化的绝大多评估都是基于这些Counter的数值表现.MapReduce自带了许多默认Counter,可能有些朋友对它们有些疑问,现在我们分析下这些默认Counter的含义,方便大家观察job结果. 我的分析是基于Hadoop0.21,我也看过Hadoop其他版本的Counter展现,细节大同小异,如果有差异的地方,以事实版本为主.

Performance Monitor Usage2:Peformance Counter

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python collections.Counter笔记

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External Input Counter and External interrupt

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