RHEL7 USB installation problem and solving

Encountered quite a few problems while install the RHEL7, with the Windows system already installed.

Problem 1:/dev/root does not exist

Downloaded the Redhat 7 ISO file and generate the bootable USB drive by using software ‘rufus-1.4.9.exe‘.

in the installation menu, press tab key, and enter to modify the install command, change the “hd:……“ to "hd:/dev/sdb#", and
then press enter, problem solved.

Problem 2: cannot boot both system

modified the /boot/grub/grub.conf (for RHEL6), changed the (hd1,0) to (hd0,0), it is starting from 0, the value 1 comes from the USB drive bootable drive.

Problem 3, how to change the sequence on the in Grub of RHEL6

change the default from 0 to 1 in /boot/grub/grub.conf, 0 will be the linux at defalt, 1 will be windows be default.

Problem 4: only boot into RHEL7, cannot see the dual boot interface in Grub2.

Create the file and add the following


     #! /bin/bash
     echo "Adding Windows7 entry to grub"
     cat << EOF
     menuentry "Windows" {
     set root=hd0(0,1)
     chainloader +1

Adjust hd0(0,1) accordingly. You can use hd0(0,1) if windows is installed on /dev/sda1

2. chmod +x /etc/grub.d/10_windows7

3. grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

Problem 5, change the boot priority in Grub2 of RHEL7

change the name of /etc/grub.d/10_windows7 to 09_windows7, 09 has
lower number as linux file (in my Linux system it‘s 10_linux, change to 09 is smaller than 10), has higher priority.

then execute ‘grub2-mkconfig
-o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg‘, reboot, the system will default as Windows to boot.

RHEL7 USB installation problem and solving

时间: 2024-08-04 15:12:44

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注:此方法不一定适合所有笔记本,部分笔记本还是不能解决usb驱动问题,如有更好的解决方法欢迎指教. 看此文章之前如果您的笔记本电脑使用的是Intel第六代Skylake平台的CPU,那么在通过U盘或外接USB光驱安装系统时可能预到如下报错信息: 通过U盘或USB光驱引导安装Windows7可以正常引导, 点击安装之后到此步骤就无法跳过 Skylake一代处理器Intel会移除EHCI主控,改为支持XHCI主控,但Windows 7系统原生不支持XHCI主控,没了EHCI,Skylake平台上装W


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