
Purpose:To eliminate unnecessary personal items.
Operational definition:Personal item means the stuff is only used by myself.
In scope:All my personal items.
Out of scope: Stuff shared with others, books and electric chargers.
Personal item list:
Business Clothes:23
MUJI Long Overcoat - Black
M&S Short Overcoat - Black
G2 Upper Garment - Black
G2 Suit Pants - Black
G2 Suit Pants - Black
G2000 Suit Pants - Black *
UNIQLO Long Sleeve Oxford Dress Shirt - Blue
UNIQLO Long Sleeve Oxford Dress Shirt - White
UNIQLO Checked Shirt - Blue *
UNIQLO HEATTECH Long Sleeve T-Shirt - White
UNIQLO AIRism Short Sleeve T-Shirt - White
CAT Short T-Shirt - Grey
Clarks Oxford Shoes - Black
Oxford Shoes - Black
Oxford Shoes - Black *
UNIQLO Leather Belt - Black
CAT Tie - Blue
UNIQLO Five Fingers Toe Socks - Black
UNIQLO Five Fingers Toe Socks - Black
UNIQLO Five Fingers Toe Socks - Black
Wood Shoe Stretcher
Wood Shoe Stretcher
Life Style Clothes:14
MUJI Sweater - Grey
GAP Men Wool Scarf - Blue
UNIQLO Cotton Long Sleeve T-Shirt - Grey
Lee Slim Jeans - Blue
UNIQLO Underwear
UNIQLO Underwear
UNIQLO Underwear
UNIQLO Underwear *
Columbia Men‘s Expedition Long Sleeve 1/2 Zip Shirt - Black
Columbia Men‘s Extreme Fleece Tight - Black
UNIQLO Lounger - Top *
UNIQLO Lounger - Pants *
CAT Men‘s Venture Jacket
Sport Equipment:26
Adidas Sport Jacket
Adidas Sport Pants
DECATHLON Compression Short Sleeve T-Shirt
DECATHLON Basketball Jersey
*** Basketball Short
Nike Pro Combat Hyperstrong Men‘s Basketball Short
Nike Basketball Sock
Nike Basketball Sock *
Nike Basketball Sock *
Adidas Mad Handle Red
McDavid Back Support - Black
McDavid Jumper‘s Knee Strap 414 - Black
McDavid Jumper‘s Knee Strap 414 - Black
Shootloc - Black
Nike Running Short Sleeve T-shirt - Dry Fit- Black
Nike Combat Pro Long Sleeve Shirt - Dry Fit - Hyperwarm Lite - Grey
Nike Combat Pro Long Sleeve Shirt - Dry Fit - Black
Nike Combat Pro Pants - Dry Fit - Black
Nike Dual Fusion Lite Running Shoe
DECATHLON Smart Phone Armband - Blue
DECATHLON Leather Jump Rope - Black
DECATHLON Swimming Google
DECATHLON Swimming Short
DECATHLON Swimming Cap
DECATHLON Sport Slippers
Digital Device:4
Kindle Paper White 2 *
Mac Book Pro
iPad *
Nasal irrigation
JINS Eye-wear
Braun Electric Shaver
Braun EN 10 Ear and Nose Hair Trimmer
Braun Electric Toothbrush
ID Card
Drive License
Medical Insurance Card
Bank Card
Bvlgari Wedding Ring
Samsonite Backpack
Samsonite Men‘s Business Handbag
Samsonite Wallet
Samsonite Passport Holder *
In total: 84
* Item will be elinimated.
Last update: 2014-12-3

No matter how perfect you may think you are, the fact this there‘s always some small way
you can improve upon yourself. Whether it‘s broadening your knowledge or reducing
your impact on the earth, there are seemingly endless little things you can do to make a
change for the better. Here, we‘ll discuss 100 of these steps, and how you can go about
doing them.
Good health is the foundation of a good life, so make these improvements, and they‘ll
resonate out to the rest of your life.
1. Eat breakfast every morning: Eating breakfast is important for your health and
mental power, supplying essential vitamins, minerals, and energy for your day.
2. Get a good night‘s rest: You just can‘t have a happy and productive life if you‘re tired
all of the time, so get some quality shut eye.
3. Drink water: Step up your water intake to lose weight, feel better, and improve your
4. Eat slowly: Slow down when you eat, and you‘ll find that you consume less while still
feeling satisfied.
5. Cut down on junk food: Junk food has a nasty way of bringing your health down, so
avoid it whenever possible, opting instead for healthy food like fresh fruits and
6. Practice good dental hygiene: Researchers have found that dental hygiene is
important for more than cosmetic reasons-it can help you chew food and even avoid heart
7. Drink tea: Be sure to check out the powerhouse of benefits that tea can deliver, which
includes improved memory and prevention of ills such as cavities, cancer, and heart
8. Get some exercise: Whether you need to lose weight or not, exercise will have a
positive effect on your overall health and quality of life.
9. Improve your energy: If you‘re feeling sluggish all day, chances are you‘re just not
going to feel good about yourself. So take a few steps to boost your energy, and you‘ll be
better in your daily life.
10. Intensify your workouts: Researchers have found that by doing more intense
workouts, you can enjoy similar benefits that you would with a more relaxed workout for
a longer period of time.
11. Enjoy fish a few times a week: Eat fish, and you‘ll get a serving of Omega-3 fatty
acids, which can help reduce heart disease.
12. Wear better shoes: Don‘t torture your toes with restrictive shoes all the time-limit the
amount of time you spend in uncomfortable shoes.
13. Protect your skin: Stay out of the sun to avoid skin damage, or use sunblock to help.
14. Eat at home: It‘s easier and cheaper to prepare healthy foods on your own at home,
and skillfully cooking a meal is sure to impress just about anyone.
15. Get tested for prediabetes: Diabetes is a disease that many Americans are
susceptible to, and by discovering it early on you can prevent it or lessen its impact.
16. Take a daily walk: Get a little bit of movement and clear your mind with a walk
every day.
17. Lose weight: One of the best things you can do for your health and overall quality of
life is to shed a few pounds.
Take these steps to change your social life for the better.
1. Join a book club: Get some social interaction while improving your knowledge with a
book club.
2. Get out of the house: Believe it or not, the world just isn‘t going to come to you.
You‘ve got to get out of your "zone" for social interaction.
3. Volunteer: For a rewarding social experience, look into volunteer opportunities.
4. Ignore minor irritations: Whether it‘s some jerk in traffic, or incessant Facebook
application requests, some things just aren‘t worth dealing with.
5. Start a blog: Spark an online discussion and network with new people through a blog.
6. Talk to strangers: Don‘t hesitate to spark a conversation with someone you don‘t
know-you just might enjoy yourself, or even make a new friend.
7. Don‘t stereotype or label people: Avoid dismissing people based on factors you don‘t
fully understand, and you may find that they have something to offer you.
8. Call old friends: You‘d be surprised how many people would be overjoyed to hear
from you, especially if it‘s been a while since you‘ve seen them.
9. Go to church: Make new friends and get in touch with your spiritual side at church or
10. Host a party: Spend some time with good friends and enjoy yourself at home by
inviting others over for a party.
11. Enjoy a hobby: Having a regular, relaxing activity will bring you joy.
12. Join a club: Whether you‘re into board games or photography, there‘s a group out
there for you.
Improve your emotional life with these simple strategies.
1. Make an effort to be happy: Whether you actually feel happy or not, make it a point
to attempt happiness. It will help you feel better, as well as others around you.
2. Consider religion: If you‘re not a spiritual person, consider becoming more involved
with religion to improve your emotional well-being.
3. Stop taking things personally: Although it may seem to the contrary, know that not
everyone is out to make your life harder.
4. Be optimistic: Put a positive spin on things and feel better about the future.
5. Know when to lose sleep: Sometimes, you have more important things to do than
sleep, but the key is knowing when that should happen.
6. Step out of your comfort zone: Make it a point to step out of your comfort zone once
in awhile. It‘s a great way to advance yourself.
7. Get rid of ill-fitting clothing: Clothes that don‘t fit right will just make you look bad
and feel worse about yourself. If you love a piece, but it just doesn‘t look good, consider
getting it tailored.
8. Spend time with a child: Look at the world through a child‘s eyes and get inspired.
You‘ll learn to appreciate simple things and see life with excitement.
9. Pamper yourself: Take care of yourself, whether that means getting a pint of ice
cream now and then, or just getting a spa treatment.
10. Celebrate your successes: When you‘ve accomplished something great, take a
moment to feel good about it!
11. Quit your technology addiction: Although you may love your BlackBerry, you‘ll
feel a whole lot better if you just step away from the screen for a while.
12. Set goals: By setting goals, you‘ll give yourself something to strive for and look
forward to.
13. Feel good about yourself: Make a decision to improve your self-confidence, and
you‘ll feel better. Others will notice it, too.
14. Be thankful: Every now and then, take some time to acknowledge all of the good
things you have in your life, big and small.
15. Cut yourself some slack: Avoid inventing your own impossible, stringent rules that
you have to stick to-they‘ll only make you feel nervous and guilty.
16. Let go of the past: Don‘t hold grudges-let go, and you‘ll free up emotional space.
17. Don‘t be dramatic: Stop inflating small problems, or you‘ll make yourself more
anxious than you need to be.
18. Express yourself: Let your emotions come out through art, writing, or other forms of
19. Meditate: Take some time out every day to have an inner dialogue with yourself.
Make these changes to improve your life‘s financial outlook.
1. Pay off debt: Nothing will improve your finances better than simply getting rid of debt.
2. Build an emergency fund: Keep an emergency fund to save yourself from
plummeting into the red when something pops up, and you‘ll be much more secure.
3. Track your spending: At some point in their lives, nearly everyone has wondered
where all their money goes. Try this exercise to finally get to the bottom of it, and
identify spots where your money could be better spent.
4. Be frugal: Embrace frugality in your life, and you‘ll save money while living more
5. Make extra payments: Pay off mortgage and other large debts early, and you‘ll take a
load off.
6. Diversify your income: Provide yourself with some financial security by finding
multiple sources of income.
7. Save: The concept is simple-save money, and you‘ll have more financial power to do
the things you‘d like to do.
8. Eat at home more often: Eating out all the time may be fun, but preparing meals at
home is a better financial strategy.
9. Invest: Investing is not only fun, it‘s an excellent way to make your money grow.
10. Set a goal: Give yourself a financial goal to achieve, whether it‘s saving for a
particular item, or doubling your investments.
11. Save for retirement: Don‘t give your future self a huge mess to take care of-save
now, and you‘ll enjoy it later.
Improve your mind by taking these simple steps.
1. Go back to school: Continuing your education does not have to be a complicated
endeavor. Take an online class, or just a weekend seminar.
2. Read classic books: Improve your mind by finally picking up all those books you
were supposed to read in school.
3. Plan: Always have a plan for your life, so you‘ll know what you‘re working toward.
4. Quit procrastinating: Resolve to get moving, and you‘ll find that you have much
more time than you originally realized.
5. Get inspired by a book: Read a book that will help you spark positive changes in your
6. Learn from your mistakes: Don‘t let mistakes get you down. Instead, consider what
you did wrong, and how you can avoid doing so again in the future.
7. Stop worrying: Let go of worry, and know that the future will come no matter what
you do about it.
8. Learn to play a musical instrument: Pick up a guitar, or even a harp, to improve your
mental capacity and have something fun to do.
9. Work to your own advantage: Improve upon what you can, and let the rest fall away.
10. Think slowly: Instead of jumping to conclusions, carefully calculate what a situation
means. Doing so can help you save relationships that might be damaged by rash thinking
11. Participate in a debate: Have a rational discussion with someone of similar intellect
to improve your knowledge.
12. Learn a new language: Broaden your horizons by learning how to speak a new
13. Visit Wikipedia: Spend some time on Wikipedia learning lots of interesting facts
you‘ve never realized before.
Make these changes in your daily life to improve upon yourself.
1. Quit smoking: It‘s the single most important thing you can do for your health,
appearance, and energy. You‘ll smell better, too.
2. Wake up early: Be an early riser, and you‘ll find that you have more time to get things
3. Spend more time outside: Head outside to become more active and enjoy the world
around you.
4. Be organized: Make things easier on yourself by living a more organized life.
At Work
You spend so much time at work, but probably don‘t often consider how you can improve
upon this important facet of your life. Take these steps to make things just a little bit
1. Make friends with your coworkers: One of the easiest and most important things you
can do to improve your career is to practice inner networking. Socialize with your
coworkers, and they‘ll be more willing to help you when you need it.
2. Improve your writing skills: If you improve upon your writing skills, you‘ll instantly
sound more intelligent and persuasive.
3. Collaborate: Don‘t go it alone-ask for help, and give help in return.
4. Keep your inbox empty: Reduce anxiety and simplify by clearing out your inbox as
much as you can.
5. Leave work at the door: Don‘t bring work home with you, or you‘ll stress yourself out
at home.
6. Join a professional association: Network with others in your field for fun and career
7. Ask for a raise: Simply asking for a raise you deserve is a no-brainer way to feel
better about work and your paycheck.
8. Improve your resume: If you‘re not happy with your job, give your resume a facelift
and consider seeking a new position.
9. Improve your system: If you‘ve got a messy desk, or generally lead a disorganized
work life, take charge by reorganizing.
10. Start your own business: One of the best ways to improve your career is to go into
business for yourself.
In Your Community
Getting involved in your community is a great way to improve upon your life. Try these
methods for getting out there.
1. Vote: Impact your community‘s future by participating in the election of officials.
2. Donate unused items: Instead of holding a garage sale, pass your old items on to
people who need them-like books to schools, and clothing to shelters.
3. Support charitable endeavors: Whether it‘s with money or time, do what you can to
help out charities in your community.
4. Be a coach: Offer to coach a youth sport, and you‘ll shape young lives while having
5. Visit your local library: Take advantage of your community‘s library to both save
money and broaden your mind.
In the Environment
An excellent way to improve upon yourself is to reduce the negative impact you have on
the world. Take these steps to get greener and change your life for the better.
1. Work to reduce your carbon emissions: Find out about the many things you can do
to help cut your carbon emissions, and then take action on them.
2. Improve your gas mileage: Drive more slowly and coast as much as you can to
improve your gas mileage.
3. Turn off the lights: Cut your waste and energy bill by turning off your lights
whenever you don‘t need them.
4. Get a reusable water bottle: Keep plastic water bottles out of our landfills by getting
a container you can use over and over again.
5. Reduce your trash: Take steps to cut down on the waste you put in landfills.
6. Buy local and organic food: Support your health and local farmer by purchasing local,
organic produce.
7. Adjust your thermostat: Let your heater and AC take a small break by adjusting your
thermostat to reduce waste.
8. Stop using plastic bags: Quit using plastic bags, and you‘ll both reduce your impact
and save animals.
9. Take shorter showers: Save a precious resource by reducing the amount of water you
use in your daily shower.

时间: 2024-08-29 04:33:15





2015.07.24 仓库---住所 现在当下(快活)--未来过去(不快活) 需要,合适,舒服 我的极简生活 2015-03-----2015-05  不增加衣物,不增加卡片 超过自己管理能力的物品,不持有不留恋的物品,不持有无法回归自然或转让给其他人的物品,不持有和自己或自己的生活风格不符的物品,不持有生命本身就是一场体验,只经历,不占有.不持有的生活不仅是提倡绿色环保,节俭,乐活,更是精神压力的释放与解脱,内省,灵修,心灵成长和达到各方面的平衡.每天使用到的东西要斤斤计较,就是常用的东西都要

cuda 极简学习理解

遇到cuda程序,开始理解学习cuda概念及使用 Cuda  有硬件概念 SP (streaming processor),SM(streaming multiprocessor) 有方便编程的软件概念thread, blocks, grid 各个概念的解释: SP:流处理器,最基本的处理单元,也称为CUDA core,最后具体的指令和任务都是在SP上处理的.GPU进行并行处理,是很多个SP同时做处理. SM:多个SP加上其他的资源组成的一个streaming multiprocessor.其他


反向传播神经网络极简入门 我一直在找一份简明的神经网络入门,然而在中文圈里并没有找到.直到我看到了这份162行的Python实现,以及对应的油管视频之后,我才觉得这就是我需要的极简入门资料.这份极简入门笔记不需要突触的图片做装饰,也不需要赘述神经网络的发展历史:要推导有推导,要代码有代码,关键是,它们还对得上.对于欠缺的背景知识,利用斯坦福大学的神经网络wiki进行了补全. 单个神经元 神经网络是多个“神经元”(感知机)的带权级联,神经网络算法可以提供非线性的复杂模型,它有两个参数:权值矩阵{W


Nutch学习笔记二--抓取过程简析 学习环境: ubuntu 概要: Nutch 是一个开源Java 实现的搜索引擎.它提供了我们运行自己的搜索引擎所需的全部工具.包括全文搜索和Web爬虫. 通过nutch,诞生了hadoop.tika.gora. 先安装SVN和Ant环境.(通过编译源码方式来使用nutch) apt-get install ant apt-get install subversion [email protected]:~/data/nutch$ svn co https:

我的第一个 Rails 网站:极简优雅的笔记工具-Raysnote

出于公司开发需求,这个暑假我开始搞Ruby on Rails,在业余时间捣鼓了一个在线笔记应用:http://raysnote.com.这是一个极简而优雅的笔记网站(至少我个人这么认为的).笔记支持所见即所得的编辑器.markdown语法,时时预览,代码高亮.表格.数学公式等.除此之外,还具有保存网络文章的功能(类似read it later).对于一个对于书写和阅读有强迫症的人来说,我在Raysnote的中文排版设计,易用性设计上花了很大的功夫,使得Raysnote具有简洁优雅的风格,阅读体验

Java 线程第三版 第五章 极简同步技巧 读书笔记

一.能避免同步吗? 取得锁会因为以下原因导致成本很高: 取得由竞争的锁需要在虚拟机的层面上运行更多的程序代码. 要取得有竞争锁的线程总是必须等到锁被释放后. 1. 寄存器的效应 计算机有一定数量的主寄存器用来存储与程序有关的数据. 从逻辑上的观点来看,每个Thread都有自己的一组寄存器.当操作系统将某个Thread分配给CPU时,它会把该Thread特有的信息加载到CPU的寄存器中.在分配不同的Thread给CPU之前,它会将寄存器的信息存下来.所以Thread间绝不会共享保存在寄存器的数据.


1.我们被教育累死累活地位一家没有生命的单位辛勤工作,显出最宝贵的东西(我们的时间),职位换的一张工资单. 2.你的身份应该源于有意义的生活,而不在于你如何挣得工资. 3.利用你所热爱的事物集中精神,为自己补充更多热情,这对寻找使命而言非常关键.但首先,你必须发现你热爱的是什么. 4.一旦将你的职业认定的"你是什么人"这一问题的答案,你就很难做其他的事情.这就是人们在换工作时总是待在同一行业内的原因之一. 5.我们需要公开以导师.领导人.贡献者.极简主义这些更有意义的身份自居. 6.你


[深度学习工具]·极简安装Dlib人脸识别库 Dlib介绍 Dlib是一个现代化的C ++工具箱,其中包含用于在C ++中创建复杂软件以解决实际问题的机器学习算法和工具.它广泛应用于工业界和学术界,包括机器人,嵌入式设备,移动电话和大型高性能计算环境.Dlib的开源许可证 允许您在任何应用程序中免费使用它.Dlib有很长的时间,包含很多模块,近几年作者主要关注在机器学习.深度学习.图像处理等模块的开发. 安装 此博文针对Windows10安装,其他平台可以仿照这个步骤来安装 安装Minicond