pat1010. Radix (25) BUG!!!

int c2int(char c){
		return c-'0';
		return c-'a'+10;
long s2decimal(char str[], long radix){
	long digit, sum=0;
	// 必须判断每一位是否小于radix
	int i=0;
		// radix应该是从大到小排列下来
		//if(digit>=radix)return -1;
		// sum溢出
		if(sum<0)return -1;
	return sum;
int main(void){
	char str1[15], str2[15], str[15];
	int tag;
	long radix;
	long sum=0, num;
	long low=2,high;

	scanf("%s%s%d%ld", str1,str2,&tag,&radix);
		sum=s2decimal(str1, radix);
		strcpy(str, str2);
	}else if(tag==2){
		sum=s2decimal(str2, radix);
		strcpy(str, str1);
	// 二分查找。理性思考得出判断:2<=radix<=sum+1
	// 输出最小进制
	// only one digit,there exists multiple situations
		printf("%d\n", c2int(str[0])+1);
		return 0;
		num=s2decimal(str, (low+high)/2);
		else if(num<sum)
		else if(num==sum){
			printf("%d\n", (low+high)/2);
			return 0;
	return 0;

bug测试用例:17 321 1 10




long s2decimal(char str[], long radix){
	long digit, sum=0;
	// 必须判断每一位是否小于radix
	int i=0;
		// radix应该是从大到小排列下来
		if(digit>=radix)return -2;
		// sum溢出
		if(sum<0)return -1;
	return sum;


时间: 2024-08-19 13:24:01

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当你无聊的时候...可以考一考PAT...什么的...嗯 ========================我是日常分割线=========================== 1010. Radix (25) 1 /* 2 date:2016-09-05 3 author:CheerM 4 title:Radix(25) 5 6 题目描述: 7 Given a pair of positive integers, for example, 6 and 110, can this equation