org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:

  项目一直报这个错误,网上也搜了很多相关的,有的说 hql 查询语句和 实体类没有对应起来,可是我的都对应了,还是不知道问题在哪。上代码


    public List<Survey> findMySurveys(User user) {
        String hql = "from Survey s join s.user u where = ?" ;
        List<Survey> list = surveyDao.findEntityByHql(hql, user.getId()) ;
        return list ;

对应的 hbm.xml:

 <many-to-one name="uesr" class="com.ysp.surveypark.model.User">
            <column name="UESR_ID" />


public class Survey {
    private Integer id ;
    private String title = "未命名" ;
    private String preText = "上一步" ;
    private String nextText = "下一步" ;
    private String exitText = "退出" ;
    private String doneText = "完成" ;
    private Date createTime = new Date() ;
    //创建 Survey-User n-1 的关联关系
    private User uesr ;
    //创建 Survey-Page 1-n 的关联关系
    private Set<Page> pages = new HashSet<Page>() ;


时间: 2024-12-08 17:02:24

org.hibernate.QueryException: could not resolve property:的相关文章

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