UVa 571 - Jugs






#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

 *fill A    --------0
 *fill B    --------1
 *empty A   --------2
 *empty B   --------3
 *pour A B  --------4
 *pour B A  --------5

int Ca,Cb,N;
int used[1001][1001]; /*  标记判重 */
typedef struct queue
	int a,b,p,o;
queue Q[1000001];

void output(int i)
	if (i < 0) return;
	else {
		switch(Q[i].o) {
			case 0: cout << "fill A\n";   break;
			case 1: cout << "fill B\n";   break;
			case 2: cout << "empty A\n";  break;
			case 3: cout << "empty B\n";  break;
			case 4: cout << "pour A B\n"; break;
			case 5: cout << "pour B A\n"; break;

void search(int Ca , int Cb , int T)
	memset(used , 0, sizeof(used));
	used[0][0] = 1;
	Q[0].a = Q[0].b = 0;Q[0].p = Q[0].o = -1;
	int move = 0,save = 1;
	while (move < save) {
		queue Now = Q[move ++];
		for (int i = 0 ; i < 6 ; ++ i) {
			queue New = Now;
				  New.o = i; New.p = move-1;
			switch(i) {
				case 0: if (Now.a != Ca && Now.b != Cb)
							New.a = Ca;
				case 1: if (Now.a != Ca && Now.b != Cb)
							New.b = Cb;
				case 2: if (Now.a && Now.b)
							New.a = 0;
				case 3: if (Now.a && Now.b)
							New.b = 0;
				case 4: if (Now.b != Cb)
							if (Now.b + Now.a <= Cb) {
								New.b = Now.a + Now.b;
								New.a = 0;
							}else {
								New.b = Cb;
								New.a = Now.a - Cb + Now.b;
				case 5: if (Now.a != Ca)
							if (Now.a + Now.b <= Ca) {
								New.a = Now.b + Now.a;
								New.b = 0;
							}else {
								New.a = Ca;
								New.b = Now.b - Ca + Now.a;
			if (!used[New.a][New.b]) {
				used[New.a][New.b] = 1;
				Q[save ++] = New;
				if (New.b == T) {
					cout << "success\n";

int main()
	while (cin >> Ca >> Cb >> N)
		search(Ca , Cb , N);
	return 0;
时间: 2025-01-02 15:07:19

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