English trip -- Phonics 1


Learning is not a happy thing, but happiness always comes with learning...    - loki.valentine


Phonics -- 自然拼读法

An orange peeler (剥橙器) = a tool(一件工具)

simple? but effective  简单? 但有效

给我一个支点,我能橇起地球         —— 阿基米德

Give me a place to stand on and I can lift the earth --Archimedes

For Beginners, 对于初学者而言

What makes a syllable? 音节构成

Word 单词                                              Supermarket(超市)

↓                                                                             ↓

Syllables 多音节:                                 Su.per.mar.ket(音节拆分和重音)

↓                                                                              ↓

What makes a syllable? 单音节构成     mar = m + ar  (单音节 = 辅音单元 + 元音单元)



2.元音 + 辅音 + 停顿 (点)    PS: ch sh gh ph th 的情况不划分


What‘s for today? 今天学什么

清辅音  p    t    f

Consonant 辅音 <

浊辅音  b    d    v

Vowel + Consonant  元+辅音组合    -ar

ar  读音规则

1) 字母组合ar 通常读长音 /a:/。例如: car , farm, drak, mark

2)在非重读音节里读/?:/。例如:grammar, dollar, beggar, collar, popular

3) 在字母w, qu 之后读/??/。例如:warm, war, quarter, quarrel

元音字母:   a/e/i/o/u   y(半元音)

清辅音 和 浊辅音区别 :清辅音发音声带不震动,浊辅音相反

Listenning Activity  听音练习

Find the odd one  找出不同发音

p p b p

t d t t

f v v v

Let‘s make a one-syllable word!  让我们做一个单音节词!

par    bar

tar    dar

far    var

Are they real words? 它们真的是单词吗?






var  X

Word Dictation  单词听写

park    spark

bar    bark

tar    star

dart   kar/car

far    smart

A task for you (任务)

Use a pictionary and find ten words with -ar

请使用图片字典找到是个带 -ar 单词并制作图片字典



tar 焦油




Cardiovascular   心血管

pulchritudinous   美貌的









joke  老师准备的一个笑话短句子:

A fat man and skinny man were arguning about who was the more polite.


The skinny man said he was more polite because he always tipped his hat to ladies.


But the fat man knew he was more courteous because, whenever he got up and offered his seat, two ladies could sit down.



时间: 2024-08-30 16:17:04

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English trip -- 国际音标表

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