permissions is only granted to system apps 错误

  • permissions is only granted to system apps
  • androidstudio中:
  • File - Setting - Editor - Inspections,
  • Android > Lint > Correctness 下的 Using system app permission , 然后设置右侧的 Severity 为 Warning
  • 如果还在, 可以clean下工程


时间: 2024-08-30 01:48:47

permissions is only granted to system apps 错误的相关文章

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原文: 在AndroidManifest.xml中使用了如下的配置: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES" /> 就会报错:Permission is only granted to system apps 原因如下: 此类权限仅授予系统级应用,可以修改下Link E

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permission is only granted to system apps 如何处理

在使用Eclipse调试系统应用时,AndroidManifest.xml经常会有这个错误: permission is only granted to system apps 解决办法: Android Lint Preferences--->Correctness 里面将相应的检查将为Error以下:

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在AndroidManifest.xml中使用了如下的配置: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INSTALL_PACKAGES" /> 就会报错:Permission is only granted to system apps 网上的解决办法 此类权限仅授予系统级应用,可以修改下Link Error Checking项的安全级别:In Eclipse: Window -> Preferences -

Permission is only granted to system apps


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