Designing a Class Interface
The Objective-C syntax for creating a class is very simple. It typically comes in two parts.
The class interface is usually stored in the ClassName.h file, and defines instance variables and public methods.
类接口通常定义实例变量和公共方法(public),保存在“类名.h(ClassName.h )”文件中。
The implementation is in the ClassName.m file and contains the actual code for these methods. It also often defines private methods that aren‘t available to clients of the class.
Here‘s what an interface file looks like. The class is called Photo, so the file is named Photo.h:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface Photo : NSObject { NSString* caption; NSString* photographer; } @end
First, we import Cocoa.h, to pull in all of the basic classes for a Cocoa app. The #import directive automatically guards against including a single file multiple
首先,我们导入Cocoa.h文件,加入Cocoa应用需要的所有基础类。指令#import 保证只加入一次,即使多次使用。
The @interface says that this is a declaration of the class Photo. The colon specifies the superclass, which is NSObject.
@interface 表明这是一个Photo类声明。冒号(:)指定其父类为NSObject。
Inside the curly brackets, there are two instance variables: caption and photographer. Both are NSStrings, but they could be any object type, including id.
在大括号里面,定义了两个实例变量:caption 和 photographer
Finally, the @end symbol ends the class declaration.
最后, @end 标识结束类声明。
Add Methods
Let‘s add some getters for the instance variables:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface Photo : NSObject { NSString* caption; NSString* photographer; } - caption; - photographer; @end
Remember, Objective-C methods typically leave out the "get" prefix. A single dash before a method name means it‘s a instance method. A plus before a method name means it‘s a class method.
切记,OC方法通常省略掉"get" 前缀。方法前的中划线标识这是一个实例对象方法,加号则标识为类方法。
By default, the compiler assumes a method returns an id object, and that all input values are id. The above code is technically correct, but it‘s unusual. Let‘s add specific types for the return values:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface Photo : NSObject { NSString* caption; NSString* photographer; } - (NSString*) caption; - (NSString*) photographer; @end
Now let‘s add setters:
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> @interface Photo : NSObject { NSString* caption; NSString* photographer; } - (NSString*) caption; - (NSString*) photographer; - (void) setCaption: (NSString*)input; - (void) setPhotographer: (NSString*)input; @end
Setters don‘t need to return a value, so we just specify them as void.
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