
One-atom-thin ‘silicene’ silicon transistors invented


World’s thinnest silicon material promises dramatically faster, smaller, more efficient computer chips


February 5, 2015


The first transistors made of silicene, the world’s thinnest silicon material, have been developed by researchers at The University of Texas atAustin’s Cockrell School of Engineering. The new material may allow for building dramatically faster, smaller, energy-efficient computer chips.


Made of a one-atom-thick layer of silicon atoms, silicenehas outstanding electrical properties but has until now proved difficult to produce and work with.


Deji Akinwande, an assistant professor in the Cockrell School’s Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and his team, including lead researcher Li Tao, solved one of the major challenges surrounding silicene by demonstrating that it can be made into transistors.

科克雷尔工程学院助理教授Deji Akinwande以及他的团队,包括其首席研究员Li Tao,通过解决了围绕硅烯的一个主要问题来说明它是可以被用来生产晶体管的。

Thinnest semiconductor material 


These first-of-their-kind devices rely on the thinnest of any semiconductor material, a long-standing dream of the chip industry. Their work was published this week in the journal Nature Nanotechnology.

这些依赖最薄的半导体材料的同类首创设备(天地会珠海分舵注:指的应该就是上面说的硅烯制造的晶体管)一直都是芯片届长期存在的梦想。Deji Akinwande以及他的团队的作品本周已经在《纳米技术》杂志中进行过报道。

Until a few years ago, human-made silicene was a purely theoretical material. Looking at carbon-based graphene, another atom-thick material with promise for chip development, researchers speculated that silicon atoms could be structured in a broadly similar way.

直到几年前,非自然生成的硅烯还仅仅是一个纯理论存在的物质材料。通过比较另外一个给芯片研发带来希望的原子级别厚度的碳基材料 -- 石墨,研究人员猜测硅原子应该可以用一个相似的但更广阔的方式来进行组织起来而形成新的物质。

“Silicene, with its close chemical affinity to silicon, suggests an opportunity in the roadmap of the semiconductor industry,” Akinwande said. “The major breakthrough here is the efficient low-temperature manufacturing and fabrication of silicene devices for the first time.”


Despite its promise for commercial adaptation, silicene has proved extremely difficult to create and work with because of its complexity and instability when exposed to air.


How to fabricate silicene 


To work around these issues, Akinwande teamed with Alessandro Molle at the Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems in Agrate Brianza, Italy, to develop a new method for fabricating the silicene that reduces its exposure to air.

要去解决这些难题,Akinwande和在 Agrate Brianza的微电子和微系统研究所的Alessandro Molle团队联手开发了一个新的方法来在减少在空气曝光的情况下对硅烯进行制造。

To start, the researchers let a hot vapor of silicon atoms condense onto a crystalline block of silver in a vacuum chamber. They then formed a silicene sheet on a thin layer of silver and added a nanometer-thick layer of alumina on top. Because of these protective layers, the team could safely peel it of its base and transfer it silver-side-up to an oxidized-silicon substrate. They were then able to gently scrape some of the silver to leave behind two islands of metal as electrodes, with a strip of silicene between them.


In the near-term, Akinwande will continue to investigate new structures and methods for creating silicene, which may lead to low-energy, high-speed digital computer chips.

近期内,Akinwande 会继续研究新的结构和方法来生产硅烯,以便给我们带来低功耗高速度的计算机芯片。













时间: 2024-10-20 02:03:13



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