直接绘制相对比较自由,但也分为使用NSString和Quartz 2D两种方式。
1 NSString* text = @"This is English text(NSString)."; 2 [text drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0, 0) withFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20]];
1 text = @"这是中文文本(NSString)。"; 2 [text drawAtPoint:CGPointMake(0, 50) withFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:20]];
Quartz 2D中文本绘制稍微复杂一点,因为它提供的接口是C形式的,而不是OC的。先来看看如何画英文:
1 CGContextSetTextMatrix(context, CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0, -1.0)); 2 CGContextSelectFont(context, "Helvetica", 20, kCGEncodingMacRoman); 3 const char* str = "This is English text(Quartz 2D)."; 4 CGContextShowTextAtPoint(context, 0, 100, str, strlen(str));
1 const char* str1 = "这是中文文本(Quartz 2D)。"; 2 CGContextShowTextAtPoint(context, 0, 150, str1, strlen(str1));
Quartz 2D Programming Guide中有这样一段说明:
To set the font to a text encoding other than MacRoman, you can use the functions CGContextSetFont
and CGContextSetFontSize
. You must supply a CGFont object to the function CGContextSetFont
. You call the function CGFontCreateWithPlatformFont
to obtain a CGFont object from an ATS font. When you are ready to draw the text, you use the function CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint
rather than CGContextShowTextAtPoint
人家说了,如果编码超出MacRoman的范围,你要使用CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint来绘制。这个函数和CGContextShowTextAtPoint类似,也是5个参数,而且只有第四个参数不同,是字形数组(可能描述的不准确)CGGlyph glyphs[],这个东西如何得到呢?在CoreText frameork(support iOS3.2 and later)提供了这样的接口。代码如下:
1 UniChar *characters; 2 CGGlyph *glyphs; 3 CFIndex count; 4 5 CTFontRef ctFont = CTFontCreateWithName(CFSTR("STHeitiSC-Light"), 20.0, NULL); 6 CTFontDescriptorRef ctFontDesRef = CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(ctFont); 7 CGFontRef cgFont = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(ctFont,&ctFontDesRef ); 8 CGContextSetFont(context, cgFont); 9 CFNumberRef pointSizeRef = (CFNumberRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(ctFontDesRef,kCTFontSizeAttribute); 10 CGFloat fontSize; 11 CFNumberGetValue(pointSizeRef, kCFNumberCGFloatType,&fontSize); 12 CGContextSetFontSize(context, fontSize); 13 NSString* str2 = @"这是中文文本(Quartz 2D)。"; 14 count = CFStringGetLength((CFStringRef)str2); 15 characters = (UniChar *)malloc(sizeof(UniChar) * count); 16 glyphs = (CGGlyph *)malloc(sizeof(CGGlyph) * count); 17 CFStringGetCharacters((CFStringRef)str2, CFRangeMake(0, count), characters); 18 CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(ctFont, characters, glyphs, count); 19 CGContextShowGlyphsAtPoint(context, 0, 200, glyphs, str2.length); 20 21 free(characters); 22 free(glyphs);