electronic cigarette harmful to human health?

Do students smoke cigarettes, electronic cigarettes(Smoant Box Mod) harmful to human health? The World Health Organization has conducted a special study on electronic cigarettes and has come to the conclusion that electronic cigarettes are harmful to public health and that it is not a means of smoking cessation and that it must be strengthened to prevent harm to adolescents and non-smokers.

The World Health Organization has conducted a special study on electronic cigarettes and has come to the conclusion that electronic cigarettes are harmful to public health and that it is not a means of smoking cessation and that it must be strengthened to prevent harm to adolescents and non-smokers.

This so-called "electronic cigarette", looks like the shape of the cigarettes not much difference. Children imitate the ability to imitate adult smoking, and even learned to smoke smoke ring, which makes him feel very worried, "now businesses directly to sell, no matter who can buy, many of these children to buy , Inside the school a lot, several.

It seems that this "electronic cigarette" between the students is indeed no stranger, and even became the topic of spare time. In accordance with the guidance of several students, after several reporters were found this shop.

At first, did not find a sale of electronic cigarettes canteen, the thought that things are over, but the survey found that this electronic cigarette is actually very popular among students, a mention almost everyone knows, and in the next During the visit, the reporter also found a canteen selling electronic cigarettes.

The owner of the owner of the electronic cigarette is the main buyers of children, these electronic cigarettes each 10 yuan, taste and diverse, are fruit and chocolate and other students like the taste. The canteen boss said: "This is some spices, nothing to smoke, and play he threw.

"Here the head is very simple, a small electrode, in front of some of the liquid things, with the electrode to heat when the inside of some of the ingredients will be volatilized, where the main ingredient is some flavor and some doping. "
Electronic cigarettes are not cigarettes in the tar, suspended particles and other harmful ingredients, manufacturers also believe that electronic cigarette is not filled or filled with secondhand smoke. But some studies that electronic cigarettes still have secondhand smoke. As electronic cigarettes have been lack of systematic clinical data support, some countries that illegal electronic cigarettes, some countries that electronic cigarettes must meet the drug standards can be used as a quitting drug sales.

The electronic cigarette is heated into water vapor, containing liquid nicotine. So when it comes to lung cancer, electronic cigarettes are definitely much safer than traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarettes are actually through the heating of liquid nicotine to achieve the purpose of smoking, so nicotine in terms that must be harmful, whether it is electronic cigarettes or ordinary cigarettes.

时间: 2024-08-23 17:40:17

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