Docker push images出现Skipped foreign layer的原因


C:\Users\Administrator>docker tag microsoft/iis

C:\Users\Administrator>docker push

The push refers to a repository []

780cc29d7c04: Pushed

ce15af77227d: Pushed

357bccc34a53: Pushed

591455288d2b: Layer already exists

3543301c85cf: Skipped foreign layer

f358be10862c: Skipped foreign layer

latest: digest: sha256:87a2af3e29845ada74286a30e0002d17f75b57675056385de404f9c3784a9d3e size: 1783




3543301c85cf: Skipped foreign layer

f358be10862c: Skipped foreign layer


Docker pull ( docker registry)

time="2016-11-21T08:45:42.009251300-08:00" level=debug msg="pulling blob "sha256:d33fff6043a134da85e10360f9932543f1dfc0c3a22e1edd062aa9b088a86c5b""
time="2016-11-21T08:45:42.009251300-08:00" level=debug msg="pulling blob "sha256:9c7f9c7d9bc2915388ecc5d08e89a7583658285469d7325281f95d8ee279cc60""
time="2016-11-21T08:45:42.010254400-08:00" level=debug msg="Pulling sha256:d33fff6043a134da85e10360f9932543f1dfc0c3a22e1edd062aa9b088a86c5b from foreign URL"
time="2016-11-21T08:45:42.012253300-08:00" level=debug msg="Pulling sha256:9c7f9c7d9bc2915388ecc5d08e89a7583658285469d7325281f95d8ee279cc60 from foreign URL"
time="2016-11-21T08:54:53.022940200-08:00" level=debug msg="Downloaded d33fff6043a1 to tempfile C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\2\GetImageBlob260816119"

It detects the foreign layers and pulls the blob & image from Microsoft site, it defeats the purpose of registry

这里就很清楚了,forign layer都是来自于以及

重点:所以出现这种情况就是说无法推送外层,推送至私有仓库会被忽略,但是可以通过docker pull镜像进行下载,这样就有一个问题就是所有使用这个镜像的客户端必须要可以上网

时间: 2024-10-10 15:42:27

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