SPM——How to use github

  In this semester, we take a class called ‘Software Project Management‘. And in this class, we have learnt a lot about managing projects. Last week, teacher Wang asked us to use github to practice managing projects. So I want to write something about how to use github.

1.create repository

  This is the first step using github, which is the most important. And I will show you some pictures about how I do these steps.


  The first sentence is making a directory to store my projects.

  The second sentence is entering the directory.

  The third sentence is showing the path of the directory.

  The last sentence is creating the repository.

2.commit project


  The first sentence is adding the .txt file to the index(not commit).

  The second sentence is adding the .txt file to the working directory.

3.Check wheather my project is changed


  From this sentence, we can find out that the ‘github.txt‘ has been changed.

4.Find out the difference


  From this sentence, we can find out that I add a sentence to the ‘github.txt‘.

5.Reset version


  The "git log" sentence is used to check the version of the project.

  And we can use reset --hard HEAD^ to reset the version.

All above are some simple usage of the git. I will write more things later. Thanks~

To be professional.

时间: 2024-12-08 23:44:20

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