In ES5, we have for ... in:
var phones = ["iPhone", "Nexus", "Nokia"]; for(i in phones){ console.log(phones[i]); } //iPhone //Nexus //Nokia
What we get from is index of array.
In ES6, for ... of can get value from array:
var phones = ["iPhone", "Nexus", "Nokia"]; for(phone of phones){ console.log(phone); } //iPhone //Nexus //Nokia
Using for...of on object:
var es6 = { edition: 6, committee: "TC39", standard: "ECMA-262" }; for (e in es6) { console.log(e); } // edition // committee // standard var engines = Set(["Gecko", "Trident", "Webkit", "Webkit"]); for (var e of engines) { console.log(e); } // Gecko // Trident // Webkit var es6 = new Map(); es6.set("edition", 6); es6.set("committee", "TC39"); es6.set("standard", "ECMA-262"); for (var [name, value] of es6) { console.log(name + ": " + value); } // edition: 6 // committee: TC39 // standard: ECMA-262
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时间: 2024-12-26 08:39:38