Oracle GoldenGate版本升级时的注意点


最近在进行Oracle GoldenGate的版本升级,参考的文档为:

How To Upgrade Goldengate From 11.2.1.x to 11.2.1.y for Oracle Database (文档 ID 1601971.1)


2. Stop the OGG processes on the existing OGG v11.2.1.x home including the manager

也就是说:停止ogghome下的所有进程:extract(包括抽取和传输),replicat(复制),server(在目的端的写入trail file的进程)


在本案例中,进行的是OGG目的端的升级,恰恰此时server进程被调度起来,导致tar -xvf ggs_AIX_ppc_ora11g_64bit.tar 报错:

[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$ tar -xvf ggs_AIX_ppc_ora11g_64bit.tar
x .
x ./mgr, 5176606 bytes, 10111 media blocks.
x ./ggsci, 6273278 bytes, 12253 media blocks.
x ./ggcmd, 3087685 bytes, 6031 media blocks.
x ./ggMessage.dat, 1334816 bytes, 2608 media blocks.
x ./help.txt, 178647 bytes, 349 media blocks.
x ./tcperrs, 759 bytes, 2 media blocks.
x ./bcrypt.txt, 1725 bytes, 4 media blocks.
x ./libxml2.txt, 1668 bytes, 4 media blocks.
x ./zlib.txt, 1476 bytes, 3 media blocks.
x ./freeBSD.txt, 1968 bytes, 4 media blocks.
x ./notices.txt, 213535 bytes, 418 media blocks.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libxerces-c.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libicui18n38.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libicuuc38.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libicudata38.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./ Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libggrepo.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./libgglog.a: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
x ./dirjar


tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./ Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.
tar: 0511-188 Cannot create ./server: Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.

tar -xvf ggs_AIX_ppc_ora11g_64bit.tar 报错归报错,但是能执行完成,只是OGG的新版本的个别程序文件(binary)无法覆盖,进而导致新版本OGG无法登陆,如下:

[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$
[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$
[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$
[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$ ggsci
exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ggsci because of the following errors:
rtld: 0712-001 Symbol _MSG_ERR_COLUMN_BUFFER_OVERFLOW__FP14CSourceContextiT2Q2_15CMessageFactory18MessageDisposition was referenced
      from module ggsci(), but a runtime definition
      of the symbol was not found.
rtld: 0712-002 fatal error: exiting.
[email protected]:/home/oracle/ggs$

基于此种问题,我对How To Upgrade Goldengate From 11.2.1.x to 11.2.1.y for Oracle Database进行了完善,完善后的升级步骤如下:

1. Download the latest OGG v11.2.1.y version provided by OGG Support team.

2. Stop the OGG processes on the existing OGG v11.2.1.x home including the manager,and exit all GGSCI sessions,
   并使用ps -ef | grep ggs 命令确认$OGG_HOME下没有任何进程在运行。(注意:我之所以grep ggs是因为我的$OGG_HOME的路径中包括ggs)--->这是我加的
3. Take a backup of the existing OGG home
4. Unzip and untar the new build on top of the existing OGG home. This will overwrite the binaries,
   4.1 在tar -xvf的输出日志中,不包括任何的“Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program.”                  --->这是我加的
   4.2 进入ggsci命令提示符,确认ggsci能正常进入,并确认$OGG_HOME已经升级到新的ogg版本。                                    --->这是我加的

8. If using DDL replication steps 9 to 14 to needs to be followed. If using only DML replication then skip steps 9 to 14

9. Stop doing DDL changes on the source db and run the ddl_disable script as sysdba to disable the OGG ddl trigger

10. Disconnect all sessions that ever issued DDL. Otherwise the database might generate ORA* errors

11. Run the ddl_setup script as sysdba. You will be prompted for the name of the Oracle GoldenGate
DDL schema.

12. Run the role_setupscript to recreate the Oracle GoldenGate DDL role.

13. Grant the role that you created to all Oracle GoldenGate users under which the
following Oracle GoldenGate processes run:Extract, Replicat, GGSCI, and Manager.
You might need to make multiple grants ifthe processes have different user names.

14. Run the ddl_enable.sqlscript to enable the DDL trigger.

15. Start the OGG process back

16. Resume doing DDL changes to the db.

时间: 2024-12-23 09:41:53

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