Since biofilms are a known entity in the oral cavity, why don‘t more dentists take a more serious approach to helping patients eradicate pathogenic biofilms from their mouths? I asked that question in 2007. It took me years to find a new dentist, but I am glad I found him! In this interview, we cover:
- dental-systemic health;
- using xylitol and ozone for dental cleaning;
- periodontal disease
- how ignorance of dental hygiene can lead to cardiovascular and other systemic conditions!
documentary covers these issues in detail, and also includes a
companion interview between "the father of biofilms" and Dr. Randy
Wolcott, wound physician and biofilm pioneer:
Th site is below where you can order the DVD set.
And a biofilm-specific library of current intelligence on biofilms:
And our non-profit web site: