Don't care for details

 1 package;
 3 public class Seat {
 5     private Integer seatNum;
 7     private Boolean avaliable;
 9     public Seat(Integer seatNum, Boolean avaliable) {
10         super();
11         this.seatNum = seatNum;
12         this.avaliable = avaliable;
13     }
15     public Seat() {
16         super();
17     }
19     public Integer getSeatNum() {
20         return seatNum;
21     }
23     public void setSeatNum(Integer seatNum) {
24         this.seatNum = seatNum;
25     }
27     public Boolean getAvaliable() {
28         return avaliable;
29     }
31     public void setAvaliable(Boolean avaliable) {
32         this.avaliable = avaliable;
33     }
35     @Override
36     public String toString() {
37         return "Seat [seatNum=" + seatNum + ", avaliable=" + avaliable + "]";
38     }
40 }

Don't care for details

时间: 2024-08-04 04:53:58

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