Loading Data From Oracle To Hive By ODI 12c

在hadoop集群的各个节点分别安装Oracle Big Data Connectors,具体的组件如下图所示:

这里只需安装Oracle Loader For Hadoop(oraloader)以及Oracle SQL Connector for Hadoop Distributed File System (oraosch)两个软件。安装比较简单,直接解压即可使用(这里的ODI、oraosch以及oraloader组件都是以oracle用户身份安装的。)

  `id` bigint,
  `org_id` bigint,
  `name_id` bigint,
  `evr_id` bigint,
  `package_arch_id` bigint,
  `package_group` bigint,
  `rpm_version` string,
  `description` string,
  `summary` string,
  `package_size` bigint,
  `payload_size` bigint,
  `installed_size` bigint,
  `build_host` string,
  `build_time` timestamp,
  `source_rpm_id` bigint,
  `checksum_id` bigint,
  `vendor` string,
  `payload_format` string,
  `compat` bigint,
  `path` string,
  `header_sig` string,
  `copyright` string,
  `cookie` string,
  `last_modified` timestamp,
  `created` timestamp,
  `header_start` bigint,
  `header_end` bigint,
  `modified` timestamp);


Integration Type设置属性:







时间: 2024-08-24 15:08:51

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