Index Defragmentation

如果使用sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats 检查Index的 avg_fragmentation_in_percent 是一个非常大的数值,那么就要检查fragmentation是否影响到性能,如果导致性能下降,那么就需要 remove fragmentation。

Fragmentation alone is not a sufficient reason to reorganize or rebuild an index. The main effect of fragmentation is that it slows down page read-ahead throughput during index scans. This causes slower response times. If the query workload on a fragmented table or index does not involve scans, because the workload is primarily singleton lookups, removing fragmentation may have no effect.

SQL Server Database Engine automatically maintains indexes whenever insert, update, or delete operations are made to the underlying data. Over time these modifications can cause the information in the index to become scattered in the database (fragmented). Fragmentation exists when indexes have pages in which the logical ordering, based on the key value, does not match the physical ordering inside the data file. Heavily fragmented indexes can degrade query performance and cause your application to respond slowly.

You can remedy index fragmentation by reorganizing or rebuilding an index. For partitioned indexes built on a partition scheme, you can use either of these methods on a complete index or a single partition of an index. Rebuilding an index drops and re-creates the index. This removes fragmentation, reclaims disk space by compacting the pages based on the specified or existing fill factor setting, and reorders the index rows in contiguous pages. When ALL is specified, all indexes on the table are dropped and rebuilt in a single transaction. Reorganizing an index uses minimal system resources. It defragments the leaf level of clustered and nonclustered indexes on tables and views by physically reordering the leaf-level pages to match the logical, left to right, order of the leaf nodes. Reorganizing also compacts the index pages. Compaction is based on the existing fill factor value.

1,Detecting Fragmentation

The first step in deciding which defragmentation method to use is to analyze the index to determine the degree of fragmentation. By using the system function sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats, you can detect fragmentation in a specific index, all indexes on a table or indexed view, all indexes in a database, or all indexes in all databases. For partitioned indexes, sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats also provides fragmentation information for each partition.

The result set returned by the sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats function includes the following columns.




The percent of logical fragmentation (out-of-order pages in the index).


The number of fragments (physically consecutive leaf pages) in the index.


Average number of pages in one fragment in an index.

After the degree of fragmentation is known, use the following table to determine the best method to correct the fragmentation.

avg_fragmentation_in_percent value

Corrective statement

> 5% and < = 30%


> 30%


* Rebuilding an index can be executed online or offline. Reorganizing an index is always executed online. To achieve availability similar to the reorganize option, you should rebuild indexes online.

These values provide a rough guideline for determining the point at which you should switch between ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE and ALTER INDEX REBUILD. However, the actual values may vary from case to case. It is important that you experiment to determine the best threshold for your environment. Very low levels of fragmentation (less than 5 percent) should not be addressed by either of these commands because the benefit from removing such a small amount of fragmentation is almost always vastly outweighed by the cost of reorganizing or rebuilding the index.

2,Limitations and Restrictions

Indexes with more than 128 extents are rebuilt in two separate phases: logical and physical. In the logical phase, the existing allocation units used by the index are marked for deallocation, the data rows are copied and sorted, then moved to new allocation units created to store the rebuilt index. In the physical phase, the allocation units previously marked for deallocation are physically dropped in short transactions that happen in the background, and do not require many locks.

3,Reducing Fragmentation in an Index

When an index is fragmented in a way that the fragmentation is affecting query performance, there are three choices for reducing fragmentation:

  • Drop and re-create the clustered index.

    Re-creating a clustered index redistributes the data and results in full data pages. The level of fullness can be configured by using the FILLFACTOR option in CREATE INDEX. The drawbacks in this method are that the index is offline during the drop and re-create cycle, and that the operation is atomic. If the index creation is interrupted, the index is not re-created.

  • Use ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE, the replacement for DBCC INDEXDEFRAG, to reorder the leaf level pages of the index in a logical order. Because this is an online operation, the index is available while the statement is running. The operation can also be interrupted without losing work already completed. The drawback in this method is that it does not do as good a job of reorganizing the data as an index rebuild operation, and it does not update statistics.
  • Use ALTER INDEX REBUILD, the replacement for DBCC DBREINDEX, to rebuild the index online or offline.

4,Reducing Fragmentation in a Heap

To reduce the extent fragmentation of a heap, create a clustered index on the table and then drop the index. This redistributes the data while the clustered index is created. This also makes it as optimal as possible, considering the distribution of free space available in the database. When the clustered index is then dropped to re-create the heap, the data is not moved and remains optimally in position.


Creating and dropping a clustered index on a table, rebuilds all non-clustered indexes on that table twice.

5,Compacting Large Object Data

By default, the ALTER INDEX REORGANIZE statement compacts pages that contain large object (LOB) data. Because LOB pages are not deallocated when empty, compacting this data can improve disk space use if lots of LOB data have been deleted, or a LOB column is dropped.

Reorganizing a specified clustered index compacts all LOB columns that are contained in the clustered index. Reorganizing a nonclustered index compacts all LOB columns that are nonkey (included) columns in the index. When ALL is specified in the statement, all indexes that are associated with the specified table or view are reorganized. Additionally, all LOB columns that are associated with the clustered index, underlying table, or nonclustered index with included columns are compacted.


时间: 2024-08-07 07:52:50

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