Build Android Webrtc Libjingle Library On Ubuntu

Recently, our team is developing an app to help people solve problem face to face.

We choose webrtc protocol as our bridge among different platform(Android, iOS, browser etc).

But there is a hole in Android 6.0 system, the protocol can not support Android 6.0 system.

As we known, libjingle ( was built in December, 2015,

it hasn‘t been updated for at least one year. I do not know if webrtc is abandoned by Google, but

a lot of developers are still creating app by it.

Fortunately, though the official website does not offer the latest library, it give us a script which

shows us how to build it.

1. Download webrtc library

Note: The source code of webrtc is quite large, you must have at least 40 gigabytes(GB) hard drive in your PC.

2. Download webrtc build scripts.

git clone

Note: you can use this script to download webrtc library, skip step 1.

3. Build libjingle

source android/

Note: webrtc source code must be under the folder

webrtc-build-scripts/webrtc/src/[source code]
时间: 2025-01-02 01:14:25

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