ethereum/EIPs-55 Mixed-case checksum address encoding

eip title author type category status created


Mixed-case checksum address encoding

Vitalik Buterin

Standards Track





from ethereum import utils

def checksum_encode(addr): # Takes a 20-byte binary address as input
    o = ‘‘
    v = utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.sha3(addr.hex()))
    for i, c in enumerate(addr.hex()):
        if c in ‘0123456789‘://就是如果address在i位置上的值是数字的话,就不做任何改变
            o += c
        else: //但是如果是字符的话,就要另进行判断,(2**(255 - 4*i))这个的二进制的结果就是从后向前数的255 - 4*i个位置上的值为1,即是为了实现从前往后数为4*i位置的数字
            o += c.upper() if (v & (2**(255 - 4*i))) else c.lower()//255的原因是hash的v有32bytes,即32*8=256,从0开始                                                                   //所以意思是如果小写十六进制地址的散列v的第4*i位也是1,则以大写形式打印,否则以小写形式打印。
    return ‘0x‘+o

def test(addrstr):
    assert(addrstr == checksum_encode(bytes.fromhex(addrstr[2:])))


注意:v = utils.big_endian_to_int(utils.sha3(addr.hex()))


In English, convert the address to hex, but if the ith digit is a letter (ie. it‘s one of abcdef) print it in uppercase if the 4*ith bit of the hash of the lowercase hexadecimal address is 1 otherwise print it in lowercase.



  • Backwards compatible with many hex parsers that accept mixed case, allowing it to be easily introduced over time
  • Keeps the length at 40 characters。 address长度为40个字符
  • On average there will be 15 check bits per address, and the net probability that a randomly generated address if mistyped will accidentally pass a check is 0.0247%. This is a ~50x improvement over ICAP, but not as good as a 4-byte check code.  上面bit的转换效率没有字节的转化效率快,所以下面实现的是半字节(16进制一字符4bits)形式的转换方法:


const createKeccakHash = require(‘keccak‘);

function toChecksumAddress (address) {
  address = address.toLowerCase().replace(‘0x‘, ‘‘);
  var hash = createKeccakHash(‘keccak256‘).update(address).digest(‘hex‘);//update就是输入要加密的值,digest就是将加密好的hash值以16进制的形式输出
  var ret = ‘0x‘;

  for (var i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {//所以只用得到hash的前40个字符
    if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) >= 8) {//即将16进制的hash[i]转化成10进制的数值后与8进行比较,如果在i位置的hash的值大于或等于8,相应位置的address的值就换成大写,否则就还是小写
      ret += address[i].toUpperCase();//其实就是根据得到的hash值来相应将address转换成大小写皆有的形式
    } else {
      ret += address[i];

  return ret;

var addr = ‘0xfb6916095ca1df60bb79ce92ce3ea74c37c5d359‘;//去掉0x是40个

这里的例子address是16进制的,当然,如果the hex address encoded as ASCII,那么就写成:

var hash = createKeccakHash(‘keccak256‘).update(Buffer.from(address.toLowerCase(), ‘ascii‘)).digest()


Wallet displays checksummed addresses rejects invalid mixed-case rejects too short rejects too long
Etherwall 2.0.1 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Jaxx 1.2.17 No Yes Yes Yes
MetaMask 3.7.8 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Mist 0.8.10 Yes Yes Yes Yes
MyEtherWallet v3.9.4 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Parity 1.6.6-beta (UI) Yes Yes Yes Yes

Exchange support for mixed-case address checksums, as of 2017-05-27:

Exchange displays checksummed deposit addresses rejects invalid mixed-case rejects too short rejects too long
Bitfinex No Yes Yes Yes
Coinbase Yes No Yes Yes
GDAX Yes Yes Yes Yes
Kraken No No Yes Yes
Poloniex No No Yes Yes
Shapeshift No No Yes Yes


  1. EIP 55 issue and discussion
  2. Python implementation in ethereum-utils
  3. Ethereumjs-util implementation
 * Returns a checksummed address
 * @param {String} address
 * @return {String}
exports.toChecksumAddress = function (address) {
  address = exports.stripHexPrefix(address).toLowerCase()
  var hash = exports.sha3(address).toString(‘hex‘)
  var ret = ‘0x‘

  for (var i = 0; i < address.length; i++) {
    if (parseInt(hash[i], 16) >= 8) {
      ret += address[i].toUpperCase()
    } else {
      ret += address[i]

  return ret

  4.Swift implementation in EthereumKit


时间: 2024-08-02 09:38:01

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