POJ 1023 The Fun Number System


In a k bit 2‘s complement number, where the bits are indexed from 0 to k-1, the weight of the most significant bit (i.e., in position k-1), is -2^(k-1), and the weight of a bit in any position i (0 ≤ i < k-1) is 2^i. For example, a 3 bit number 101 is -2^2 + 0 + 2^0 = -3. A negatively weighted bit is called a negabit (such as the most significant bit in a 2‘s complement number), and a positively weighted bit is called a posibit. 
A Fun number system is a positional binary number system, where each bit can be either a negabit, or a posibit. For example consider a 3-bit fun number system Fun3, where bits in positions 0, and 2 are posibits, and the bit in position 1 is a negabit. (110)Fun3 is evaluated as 2^2-2^1 + 0 = 3. Now you are going to have fun with the Fun number systems! You are given the description of a k-bit Fun number system Funk, and an integer N (possibly negative. You should determine the k bits of a representation of N in Funk, or report that it is not possible to represent the given N in the given Funk. For example, a representation of -1 in the Fun3 number system (defined above), is 011 (evaluated as 0 - 2^1 + 2^0), and 
representing 6 in Fun3 is impossible.


The first line of the input file contains a single integer t (1 ≤ t ≤ 10), the number of test cases, followed by the input data for each test case. Each test case is given in three consecutive lines. In the first line there is a positive integer k (1 ≤ k ≤ 64). In the second line of a test data there is a string of length k, composed only of letters n, and p, describing the Fun number system for that test data, where each n (p) indicates that the bit in that position is a negabit (posibit). 
The third line of each test data contains an integer N (-2^63 ≤ N < 2^63), the number to be represented in the Funk number 
system by your program.


For each test data, you should print one line containing either a k-bit string representing the given number N in the Funk number system, or the word Impossible, when it is impossible to represent the given number.

Sample Input


Sample Output



Tehran 2002, First Iran Nationwide Internet Programming Contest


其中如果碰到p,那就是 二进制序列的第i个数 * 2^i   否则就是 二进制数序列的第i个数 * -2^i





4.参考: http://blog.csdn.net/zsc09_leaf/article/details/6292041



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    int test;
    __int64 len, goal;
    char str[1000];
    char ans[1000];
    cin >> test;
    while (test--)
        cin >> len >> str >> goal;
        ans[len] = ‘\0‘;
        for (int i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (goal % 2 == 1 || goal % 2 == -1)
                ans[i] = ‘1‘;
                if (str[i] == ‘p‘) goal = (goal - 1) / 2;
                else goal = (goal + 1) / 2;
                ans[i] = ‘0‘;
                goal /= 2;
        if (!goal) cout << ans << endl;
        else cout << "Impossible" << endl;
    return 0;
时间: 2025-01-15 10:14:35

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