SDN实战:Build a VXLAN Tunnel by Making Python-based API Calls for DCI

SDN IN ACTION: Build a VXLAN tunnel by making Python-based API Calls on OpenDaylight and Provide the DCI service


薛国锋                                      [email protected]


今天做了个小实验,通过Python程序调用OpenDaylight的北向API,在两个DC之间建立VXLAN隧道,实现DCI;DC内部采用Mininet c0控制器和OpenFlow协议,跨DC采用OpenDaylight及OVSDB协议实现DC互联。通过本次实验深刻领悟到,SDN控制器实际上就是一个API Gateway ,提供北向RESTful API以及南向控制协议(OpenFlow、OVSDB、NetConf、BGP-LS等)之间的转换,实现网络动态可编程和业务自动化部署J

Today we will play with Python, making Python-based  API calls on OpenDaylight and building a VXLAN tunnel between two DCs. Inside each DC, the Mininet C0 controller and OpenFlow are deployed; and with OVSDB, OpenDaylight manages both DCs and provides the interconnect between them. After this test, we would be deeply impressed that the SDN controller is a natural API gateway providing the conversion between NB RESTful API and SB control protocols, such asOpenFlow, OVSDB, NetConf and BGP-LS, etc; and to provide the programmability for network automation and service agility. Below is the physical and logicaldesign and topology:

1 Run OpenDaylight and install the necessary features

[email protected]>feature:installodl-aaa-authn

[email protected]>feature:installodl-restconf-all

[email protected]>feature:installodl-dlux-core

[email protected]>feature:installodl-dluxapps-yangman

[email protected]>feature:installodl-dluxapps-topology

[email protected]>feature:installodl-l2switch-all

[email protected]>feature:installwebconsole

[email protected]>feature:installodl-mdsal-apidocs

[email protected]>feature:installodl-ovsdb-southbound-api

Please check the below web link for OVSDB user guide:


2 Set up DC1 – Mininet


Create the custom topology file – “”:

from mininet.topo import Topo

class MyTopo( Topo ):

    def__init__( self ):

        #initilaize topology  

       Topo.__init__( self )

        # addhosts and switches

        h11 =self.addHost( ‘h11‘,ip= ‘‘)

        h12 =self.addHost( ‘h12‘,ip= ‘‘)

        s11 =self.addSwitch( ‘s11‘ )

        s12 =self.addSwitch( ‘s12‘ )

        s10 =self.addSwitch( ‘s10‘ )

        # addlinks





topos = { ‘mytopo‘: ( lambda: MyTopo() ) }


Create the virtual DC1 with  “”::

[email protected]:~$sudo mn --custom --topo mytopo

Configure OVS to listen for the connection initiated by the OVSDB Southbound Plugin of OpenDaylight:

mininet>sh ovs-vsctl set-manager ptcp:6640

3 Set up DC2 – Mininet


Create the custom topology file – “”:


from mininet.topo import Topo

class MyTopo( Topo ):

    def__init__( self ):

        #initilaize topology  

       Topo.__init__( self )

        # addhosts and switches

        h21 =self.addHost( ‘h21‘,ip= ‘‘)

        h22 =self.addHost( ‘h22‘,ip= ‘‘)

        s21 =self.addSwitch( ‘s21‘ )

        s22 =self.addSwitch( ‘s22‘ )

        s20 =self.addSwitch( ‘s20‘ )

        # addlinks





topos = { ‘mytopo‘: ( lambda: MyTopo() ) }


Create the virtual DC2 with “”:

[email protected]:~$sudo mn --custom --topo mytopo

Configure OVS to listen for the connection initiated by the OVSDB Southbound Plugin of OpenDaylight:

mininet>sh ovs-vsctlset-manager ptcp:6640


4 Python Programming to MakeAPI Calls


Install Geany IDE and the Requests Library in Python:

[email protected]:~$sudo apt-getinstall geany

[email protected]:~$geany

[email protected]:~ $pip installrequests


Set Build Commands of  Geany IDE:

Configure the OVSDB Southbound Plugin in OpenDaylight toactively connect to DC1 and DC2:


import requests

import json

header = {‘content-type‘: ‘application/json‘}

commamd10 = {"network-topology:node":  [{




                                "ovsdb:remote-port":"6640", "ovsdb:remote-ip": ""   }}]}

commamd20 = {"network-topology:node":  [{




                                "ovsdb:remote-port":"6640", "ovsdb:remote-ip": ""   }}]}

# Making the API Call on OpenDaylight toconnect to DC1

r1 = requests.put(url=‘‘,





# Making the API Call on OpenDaylight to connect to DC2

r2 = requests.put(url=‘‘,






Configure and manage the vxlan ports of DC1 and DC2:

import requests

import json

header = {‘content-type‘: ‘application/json‘}

commamd11 = { "termination-point":







                                                                       "option":"remote_ip", "value": ""


commamd21 = { "termination-point":







                                                                         "option":"remote_ip", "value": ""


# Making the API Call on OpenDaylight to create the vxlan port on s10 of DC1

r1 = requests.put(url=‘‘,





# Making the API Call on OpenDaylight to create the vxlan port on s20 of DC2

r2 = requests.put(url=‘‘,






5 Check the Network


Check DC1

mininet>sh netstat –an | grep 6640

mininet>sh ovs-vsctl show

Check DC2

mininet>sh netstat –an | grep 6640

mininet>sh ovs-vsctl show

Read the network topology from OpenDaylight by Python making API calls:


import requests

import json

header = {‘content-type‘: ‘application/json‘}

r = requests.get( url=‘‘,









rj = r.json()





for node inrj[‘network-topology‘][‘topology‘][0][‘node‘]:


                if‘termination-point‘ in node:

                                forport in node[‘termination-point‘]:

                                                print(‘----‘+ port[‘tp-id‘])

Make the API calls by Yangman:

时间: 2024-07-29 09:39:20

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