启动C++test时报错“an error has occurred, null”

当双击桌面的C++test图标时,弹出错误:“an error has occurred,please check the log file, null”




I am currently using Eclipse Indigo Service Release 1 and out of a sudden received a strange error message when trying to open my workspace, or in fact any workspace:

An error has occurred. See the log file [WORKSPACE-DIR]/.metadata/.log.

Inspecting the log file, it seems that this behaviour was caused by an OutOfMemoryError error in a subpackage of org.eclipse.core which is somewhat strange, as I have plenty of memory available for the VM. A Google search for the error, suggested to invoke Eclipse via the command line with the -clean option:

eclipse/dir> eclipse -clean 

Eclipse successfully started again and subsequently also without the -clean option. However, an interesting message was writen into the log file:

!MESSAGE The -clean (osgi.clean) option was not successful. Unable to clean the storage area: C:\eclipse-dir\eclipse\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi.

Nevertheless, Eclipse is working fine again and I am not experiencing any problems while programming, so I guess that inspite of the log message, the -clean option works.

时间: 2024-11-13 06:58:07

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