
\Bin 建立产品的工作目录,存放项目中所有可执行文件的当前版本;

\Lib 与项目有关的库文件;

\SQL 存放数据库的SQL文件(只针对数据库程序的开发);

\Res 包括应用程序的所有共享资源,如ICON(图表)、资源文件等;

\Pic 图片

\Include 公用的窗体或Unit;

\Control 存放项目内用的自编或第三方提供的控件;

\Source 程序源代码 ;

\Public 可以公用的模块或程序;



Here is the basic solution layout that I always start with. As the projects get better defined I refine it to meet the specific needs of the project. Some areas may be merged with others and I may add a few special ones as needed.


For large projects there are certain documents that need to be kept with
it. For this I actually create a seperate project or folder within the
solution to hold them.

Unit testing always depends on the project some times it is just really
basic to catch edge cases and some times it is set up for full code
coverage. Recently have added graphical unit testing to the arsenal.

Some projects have specific installation requirements that need to be
handled at a project level.

If there is a need for web services, APIs, DLLs or such.

(5).ProjectNameScripts (**Added 2/29/2012**)
I am adding this because I just found a need for one in my current project.
This project holds the following types of scripts: SQL (Tables, procs, views),
SQL Data update scripts, VBScripts, etc.

Contains base data classes and database communication. Sometimes
also hold a directory that contains any SQL procs or other specific
Contains the base classes, structs, and enums that are used in the
project. These may be related to but not necessarily be connected to
the ones in the data repository.
Performs all CRUD actions with the Data, done in a way that the
repository can be changed out with no need to rewrite any higher
level code.
Performs any data calculations, business level data validation, does
most interaction with the Service layer.
I always create a code module that contains helper classes. These
may be extensions on system items, standard validation tools,
regular expressions or custom built items.
The user interface is built to display and manipulate the data.
UI Forms always get organized by functional unit namespace with an
additional folder for shard forms and one for custom controls.


时间: 2024-08-01 11:56:46



velocity-1.7中关于vm文件存放 demo: public class App_example1 { public App_example1() { String propfile="velocity.properties"; String vmFile="app_example1.vm"; Velocity.init(propfile); VelocityContext context=new VelocityContext(); context.put


yum下载文件的存放位置 默认是: /var/cache/yum 也可以在 /etc/yum.conf 指定 cachedir=/var/cache/yum #存放目录keepcache=1 #1为保存 0为不保存 metadata_expire=1800 #过期时间 CentOS下yum本地源创建 时间:2016-02-01 13:05来源:blog.csdn.net 作者:知行合一的博客 举报 点击:1952次 现场环境: 一台主机下有多个虚拟机,如15.32.12.122 ~ 15.32.


--查看当前的存放位置 select database_id,name,physical_name AS CurrentLocation,state_desc,size from sys.master_files  where database_id=db_id(N'数据库名');   --修改文件的存放位置下次启动生效 --testDb为数据库名, alter database 数据库名 modify file ( name = 文件名(不包含后缀), filename = '文件存储路径')


mysql数据库的数据文件默认是存放在:C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\datal ,从哪里可以看到呢? 当然是从mysql的配置文件里了,找到Mysql的安装目录,找到my.ini,然后通过搜索找到datadir=,后面的就是mysql数据库文件的存放位置了,要修改也非常简单,首先把后面的地址改成自己想要的地址,接着把原来存放数据库文件位置里的所有内容都复制到新地址里,再重启


1 --查看当前的存放位置 2 select database_id,name,physical_name AS CurrentLocation,state_desc,size 3 from sys.master_files 4 where database_id=db_id(N'数据库名'); 5 6 --修改文件的存放位置下次启动生效 7 --testDb为数据库名, 8 alter database 数据库名 modify file ( name = 文件名(不包含后缀), filenam


了解MYSQL的都知道,在MYSQL中建立任何一张数据表,在其数据目录对应的数据库目录下都有对应表的.frm文件,.frm文件是用来保存每个数据表的元数据(meta)信息,包括表结构的定义等,.frm文件跟数据库存储引擎无关,也就是任何存储引擎的数据表都必须有.frm文件,命名方式为数据表名.frm,如user.frm. .frm文件可以用来在数据库崩溃时恢复表结构. MySQL文件包括MySQL所建数据库文件和MySQL所用引擎创建的数据库文件. .frm 文件与操作系统和数据库引擎无关,都有


运行一个servlet项目:需要做这些前提工作: 1.配置tomcat,在server选项卡的设置也就基本的设置,HTTP port与JMX port等端口号:基本都是默认的.这里需要注意的是,有的教程上有写要配置Deployment选项卡下的Application context,这个只是网络访问路径,代表跟路径,设置与不设置都行,只不过在后来的网址有区别而已. 2.在src中运行的java程序的字节码文件,存放位置.这个如果设置与不设置都行(以我目前的学习水平,我是这样认为的,反正不设置也可


怎样查看MySql数据库物理文件存放位置? 使用命令行查找: show global variables like '%datadir%'; 我查找的位置:C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\Data\ 修改默认保存的位置: 在C:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\my.ini 按ctrl+f搜索"datadir"就可以找到你数据库的物理路径,在这里修改就好: 1.MySQL(server)创建并管理的数据库


1.使用命令: chflags nohidden ~/library/ 使隐藏的资源库文件夹显示出来.如果想要隐藏掉,使用:chflags hidden ~/library/ 2.finder中找到:用户->mwsn(这是我的用户名)->资源库->Application Support->iPhone Simulator->7.0(根据你的版本确定是哪个)->Applications 里面有一堆目录,挨个查看,找到你需要的工程的目录->Documents文件夹,你