How to Disable the Screen Lock With Regedit


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Regedit is the command name used to launch the Registry Editor utility in Microsoft Windows. The registry is a Windows built-in utility that stores all user, machine and system configurations. All modifications made on your system through user interfaces and applications, are immediately recorded and maintained in specific registry keys. In order to disable the screen lock function, you need to know where the corresponding key is located and the value to be modified. Proceed with caution when working with registry keys because the deletion or corruption of a system key could jeopardize the stability of your computer system.

Regedit is the command name used to launch the Registry Editor utility in Microsoft Windows. The registry is a Windows built-in utility that stores all user, machine and system configurations. All modifications made on your system through user interfaces and applications, are immediately recorded and maintained in specific registry keys. In order to disable the screen lock function, you need to know where the corresponding key is located and the value to be modified. Proceed with caution when working with registry keys because the deletion or corruption of a system key could jeopardize the stability of your computer system.

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Regedit is the command name used to launch the Registry Editor utility in Microsoft Windows. The registry is a Windows built-in utility that stores all user, machine and system configurations. All modifications made on your system through user interfaces and applications, are immediately recorded and maintained in specific registry keys. In order to disable the screen lock function, you need to know where the corresponding key is located and the value to be modified. Proceed with caution when working with registry keys because the deletion or corruption of a system key could jeopardize the stability of your computer system.

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  • Log in to your computer as an administrator.

  • Open the Registry Editor by clicking "Start" and typing "regedit" in the "Start Search" text field, if using Windows Vista or 7. Launch the Registry Editor in any other Windows version by clicking "Start" and "Run." Type "regedit" in the "Run" dialog box and click "OK."
  • Expand the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive, located on the left pane‘s console tree.
  • Expand the following sub-keys: "Software," "Microsoft," "Windows," "CurrentVersion," "Policies" and "System."

    Please note that if the "System" sub-key is not present, you need to create it. Right-click the "Policies" sub-key, choose "New" > "Key," name it "System" and press "Enter."

  • Right-click the "System" sub-key, choose "New" > "DWORD Value" from the pop-up menu, name it "DisableLockWorkstation" and press "Enter."
  • Double-click the "DisableLockWorkstation" setting. An "Edit DWORD Value" window opens up. Type the number "0" in the "Value data" text field and click "OK." Close the Registry Editor utility.
时间: 2024-08-03 13:44:58

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