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Where To Put The Auto Layout Code将AutoLayout的代码放在哪里?参考文档A参考文档B结论原文链接

Where To Put The Auto Layout Code将AutoLayout的代码放在哪里?

Auto Layout is kind of magic. Like a sorcerer you tell the elements where to position and how to behave. You don’t put the elements to those positions yourself. The universe moves them because of your spells. Kind of.(AutoLayout就像一种魔法.好像只要你念几下咒语,巫师就可以帮你把元素布局好.)

But when should the spells be spoken? In other words when not using Interface Builder, where should the Auto Layout code go?(问题是:在不使用IB的时候,该什么时候念咒语?)


From the documentation of the UIView method updateConstraints:

Custom views that set up constraints themselves should do so by overriding this method.

Because of this sentence I always thought Apple asks me to put the layout code in this method. But here is the problem: This method is called more than once by UIKit and adding the same constraint more than once is an error. The suggested approach I found in the Internet? is to add a boolean to the view class and set it in updateConstraints() to make sure to only run the layout code once.(我以为Apple让我把AutoLayout的代码放在这里,但是在UIKit中这个方法会调用多次,解决的办法是添加一个布尔变量,让这段代码仅仅执行一次.)


From the documentation again:

When your custom view notes that a change has been made to the view that invalidates one of its constraints, it should immediately remove that constraint, and then call setNeedsUpdateConstraints to note that constraints need to be updated.

This means updateConstraints() is meant to be used in the case then the constraints within a view change because of some events. For this scenario the name of the method makes much more sense.

In nearly all of my layouts the constraints are fixed. Sometimes I need to change the constant of a constraint. This can be done without removing and re-adding the constraint. (The constant of a NSLayoutConstraint is the only thing that can be changed after creation.)(改变一个约束的常数.)

Because of this, I started to put all the layout code in init(frame:). But I was not really comfortable with it because of the documentation mentioned above.(把所有的AutoLayout的代码都放在了init方法中.)

But then I heard in a session video of the WWDC this year an Apple engineer suggesting exactly that. And just yesterday I received an answer to a bug report in which I described the ‘bug’ that updateConstraints() isn’t called. Turns out it wasn’t a bug.

The Apple engineer wrote:

In general, if the constraints will only be created once, it should be done in an initialization method (such as -init or -viewDidLoad, and so forth). Save -updateConstraints for things that are expected to change over the course of running the App.


Nice. I love when my feeling about how code should be written is suggested by Apple.

An example of where I put my layout code can be found here.

Happy layouting!

If you enjoyed this post, then make sure you subscribe to my feed

Update: Ole Begemann wrote about When should you implement updateConstraints on his great blog.

No related posts.





时间: 2025-01-15 17:57:00


【转】iOS6中的Auto Layout:通过代码添加约束

最近做的项目用到了Auto Layout,于是经过了一番大量的google,这是我看到的讲用代码创建约束最清晰的一篇教程,于是想跟更多的人分享一下.原文也比较简单,可以直接过去看,如果我翻译的那块需要校对的,也请多多指教. 原文:http://www.ioscreator.com/tutorials/auto-layout-in-ios-6-adding-constraints-through-code iOS6提供了一种设计用户界面的新方法:Auto Layout.使用Auto-Layout很

iOS开发之Auto Layout入门

随着iPhone6与iOS8的临近,适配的问题讲更加复杂,最近学习了一下Auto Layout的使用,与大家分享.  什么是Auto Layout? Auto Layout是iOS6发布后引入的一个全新的布局特性,其目的是弥补以往Autoresizing在布局方面的不足之处,以及未来面对更多尺寸适配时界面布局可以更好的适应. 为什么要用Auto Layout? Autolayout能解决不同屏幕(iPhone4,iPhone5,iPad...)之间的适配问题. 在iPhone4时代开发者只需要适

iOS 开发实践之 Auto Layout

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Dynamic Table View Cell Height and Auto Layout(转)

11/23/2014: Updated to be compatible with iOS 7, iOS 8, and Xcode 6.1. If you wanted to create a customized table view complete with dynamic table view cell height in the past, you had to write a lot of sizing code. You had to calculate the height of

iOS 开发实践之Auto Layout(From Vincent Sit)

本文是博主 iOS 开发实践系列中的一篇,主要讲述 iOS 中 Auto Layout(自动布局)在实际项目中的使用. Auto Layout 在 2012 年的 iOS 6 中发布,距今已经 2 年多了,如果从 2011 年在 Mac OS X 上发布的 Auto Layout 开始算起,已经超过 3 年了.如果你的简历上写着 2 年以上工作经验,而竟然不会使用 Auto Layout,真有点不可思议. 本文将会通过若干个 Demo 进行讲解,通过实践来理解 Auto Layout 到底是什么

iOS 7 - Auto Layout on iOS Versions prior to 6.0

链接地址:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18735847/ios-7-auto-layout-on-ios-versions-prior-to-6-0 Stack Overflow is a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers. It's 100% free, no registration required. iOS 7 - Auto Layout on

iOS6 自动布局 入门–Auto Layout

目前为止,即使你的界面设计是在合理的复杂度内,你也必须要为之写许多代码来适应变化的布局.现在我相信你会很高兴听到这种情况将不会发生了-对于iPhone与iPad IOS6 带来了一个非常了不起的特征:自动布局. 自动布局不仅能给你的应用带来各种屏幕尺寸设计的支持,做为额外的惊喜,它还能使设计中的各种小事比如多语言环境支持.你从此不必再为你想要支持的各种语言重新设计nibs和storyboards文件,当然这也包括一些从右至左书写的语言比如说希伯来文和阿拉伯语. 这篇教程将向你展示的是如何开始使用

iOS7 自动布局 入门–Auto Layout

目前为止,即使你的界面设计是在合理的复杂度内,你也必须要为之写许多代码来适应变化的布局.现在我相信你会很高兴听到这种情况将不会发生了-对于iPhone与iPad IOS6 带来了一个非常了不起的特征:自动布局. 自动布局不仅能给你的应用带来各种屏幕尺寸设计的支持,做为额外的惊喜,它还能使设计中的各种小事比如多语言环境支持.你从此不必再为你想要支持的各种语言重新设计nibs和storyboards文件,当然这也包括一些从右至左书写的语言比如说希伯来文和阿拉伯语. 这篇教程将向你展示的是如何开始使用

深入理解Auto Layout 第一弹

本文转载至 http://zhangbuhuai.com/2015/07/16/beginning-auto-layout-part-1/ By 张不坏 2015-07-16 更新日期:2015-07-17 文章目录 1. 写在前面 2. iOS布局机制 3. 几个重要的API 3.1. intrinsicContentSize方法 3.2. preferredMaxLayoutWidth属性 3.3. sizeThatFits:方法和sizeToFit方法 3.4. systemLayoutS