LeetCode 678. Valid Parenthesis String 有效的括号字符串 (C++/Java)


Given a string containing only three types of characters: ‘(‘, ‘)‘ and ‘*‘, write a function to check whether this string is valid. We define the validity of a string by these rules:

  1. Any left parenthesis ‘(‘ must have a corresponding right parenthesis ‘)‘.
  2. Any right parenthesis ‘)‘ must have a corresponding left parenthesis ‘(‘.
  3. Left parenthesis ‘(‘ must go before the corresponding right parenthesis ‘)‘.
  4. ‘*‘ could be treated as a single right parenthesis ‘)‘ or a single left parenthesis ‘(‘ or an empty string.
  5. An empty string is also valid.

Example 1:

Input: "()"
Output: True

Example 2:

Input: "(*)"
Output: True

Example 3:

Input: "(*))"
Output: True










class Solution {
    bool checkValidString(string s) {
        int n = s.length();
        if(n == 0) return true;
        dp = vector<vector<int>>(n, vector<int>(n, -1));
        return checkValid(s, 0, n-1);
    vector<vector<int>> dp;
    bool checkValid(string& s, int i, int j){
        if(i > j)
            return true;
        if(dp[i][j] >= 0)
            return dp[i][j];
        if(i == j){
            if(s[i] == ‘*‘){
                return dp[i][j] = 1;
                return dp[i][j] = 0;
        if((s[i] == ‘*‘ || s[i] == ‘(‘) && (s[j] == ‘*‘ || s[j] == ‘)‘) && checkValid(s, i+1, j-1)){
            return dp[i][j] = 1;
        for(int k = i; k < j; ++k){
            if(checkValid(s, i, k) && checkValid(s, k+1, j)){
                return dp[i][j] = 1;
        return dp[i][j] = 0;


class Solution {
    public boolean checkValidString(String s) {
        char[] str = s.toCharArray();
        if(str.length == 0) return true;
        int min_op = 0;
        int max_op = 0;
        for(char ch:str){
            if(ch == ‘(‘){
            if(ch == ‘)‘){
            if (max_op < 0) return false;
            min_op = Math.max(0, min_op);
        if(min_op == 0)
            return true;
            return false;


时间: 2024-08-30 04:52:23

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