HDU 5025 Saving Tang Monk【bfs搜索】【北大ACM/ICPC竞赛训练】


  1 #include<iostream>
  2 #include<queue>
  3 #include<cstring>
  4 #include<map>
  5 using namespace std;
  7 struct node{
  8     int r,c;
  9     int keys;
 10     int kill;//记录当前杀死守卫的状态
 11     int d;//时间
 12     bool operator < (const node n2) const{
 13         return d>n2.d;
 14     }
 15     node(int r1,int c1,int k1,int k2,int d1): r(r1),c(c1),keys(k1),kill(k2),d(d1) {}
 16 };
 18 priority_queue<node> q;//默认大根堆
 20 char maze[105][105];
 21 int dx[4]={0,0,1,-1};
 22 int dy[4]={1,-1,0,0};
 23 bool vis[105][105][10][32];//vis[i][j][k][l]为有没有杀死【l所代表的守卫】拿着1-k的钥匙到过(i,j)
 25 int snakeID[105][105];
 27 int main(){
 28     //cout<<int(‘9‘)<<endl;
 29     while(1){
 30         int n,m; cin>>n>>m;//m把钥匙
 31         if(n==0 && m==0) break;
 32         int startr,startc,endr,endc;
 33         bool save=false;
 35         memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis));
 37         int id=0;
 38         for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
 39             for(int j=1;j<=n;j++){
 40                 cin>>maze[i][j];
 41                 if(maze[i][j]==‘T‘) { endr=i; endc=j; }
 42                 else if(maze[i][j]==‘K‘) { startr=i; startc=j; }
 43                 else if( maze[i][j]==‘S‘ ) snakeID[i][j]= ++id;//在这个位置蛇的编号
 44         }
 46         //‘.‘ means a clear room as well
 47         q.push( node(startr,startc,0,0,0) );
 48         vis[startr][startc][0][0]=1;//不能走了
 50         while(!q.empty()){
 51             node n1 = q.top(); q.pop();
 52             if(n1.r==endr && n1.c==endc && n1.keys==m){ cout<<n1.d<<endl; save=true; break; }
 54             for(int i=0;i<4;i++){
 55                 int x = n1.r + dx[i];
 56                 int y = n1.c + dy[i];
 57                 if( x>=1 && x<=n && y>=1 && y<=n && maze[x][y]!=‘#‘ ){
 58                     if( maze[x][y]==‘S‘ ) {//遇到蛇
 59                         int kill = n1.kill;
 60                         //看这个守卫有没有被杀死
 61                         if( kill & (1<<(snakeID[x][y]-1) ) ){//守卫被杀死
 62                             if( !vis[x][y][n1.keys][kill] ) {
 63                                 vis[x][y][n1.keys][kill]=1;
 64                                 q.push( node(x,y,n1.keys,kill,n1.d+1) );
 65                             }
 66                         }
 67                         else{//守卫还活着
 68                             if( !vis[x][y][n1.keys][kill+(1<<(snakeID[x][y]-1)) ] ){
 69                                 vis[x][y][n1.keys][kill+(1<<(snakeID[x][y]-1)) ]=1;
 70                                 q.push( node(x,y,n1.keys,kill+(1<<(snakeID[x][y]-1)),n1.d+2) );
 71                             }
 72                         }
 73                     }
 74                     else if(maze[x][y]==‘K‘ || maze[x][y]==‘T‘ ||  maze[x][y]==‘.‘ ){//这三种情况一种处理方式
 75                         if( !vis[x][y][n1.keys][n1.kill] ){
 76                             vis[x][y][n1.keys][n1.kill]=1;
 77                             q.push( node(x,y,n1.keys,n1.kill,n1.d+1) );
 78                         }
 79                     }
 80                     else /*数字*/{
 81                         //看可不可以拿
 82                         int key = int(maze[x][y])-48;
 83                         if( n1.keys>=key || n1.keys!=key-1 ){//拿过了或拿不了
 84                             if( !vis[x][y][n1.keys][n1.kill] ){
 85                                 vis[x][y][n1.keys][n1.kill]=1;
 86                                 q.push( node(x,y,n1.keys,n1.kill,n1.d+1) );
 87                             }
 88                         }
 89                         else{//可以拿
 90                             if( !vis[x][y][key][n1.kill] ){
 91                                 vis[x][y][key][n1.kill]=1;
 92                                 q.push( node(x,y,key,n1.kill,n1.d+1) );
 93                             }
 94                         }
 95                     }
 96                 }
 97             }
 98         }
 99         if(!save) cout<<"impossible"<<endl;
100         while(!q.empty()) q.pop();
101     }
103     return 0;
104 }



bool operator < (const node n2) const{
  // return  .....


时间: 2025-01-01 21:20:32

HDU 5025 Saving Tang Monk【bfs搜索】【北大ACM/ICPC竞赛训练】的相关文章

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Problem Description <Journey to the West>(also <Monkey>) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It was written by Wu Cheng'en during the Ming Dynasty. In this novel, Monkey King Sun Wukong, pig Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujin

hdu 5025 Saving Tang Monk(bfs+状态压缩)

Problem Description <Journey to the West>(also <Monkey>) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It was written by Wu Cheng'en during the Ming Dynasty. In this novel, Monkey King Sun Wukong, pig Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujin

HDU 5025 Saving Tang Monk(bfs)

Problem Description <Journey to the West>(also <Monkey>) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. It was written by Wu Cheng'en during the Ming Dynasty. In this novel, Monkey King Sun Wukong, pig Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujin

HDU 5025 Saving Tang Monk

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 565    Accepted Submission(s): 210 Problem Description <Journey to the West>(also <Monkey>) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Ch