Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition

Kaiming He
Xiangyu Zhang
Shaoqing Ren
Microsoft Research

{kahe, v-xiangz, v-shren, jiansun}


Deeper neural networks are more difficult to train. We
present a residual learning framework to ease the training
of networks that are substantially deeper than those used
previously. We explicitly reformulate the layers as learn-
ing residual functions with reference to the layer inputs, in-
stead of learning unreferenced functions. We provide com-
prehensive empirical evidence showing that these residual
networks are easier to optimize, and can gain accuracy from
considerably increased depth. On the ImageNet dataset we
evaluate residual nets with a depth of up to 152 layers—8×
deeper than VGG nets [41] but still having lower complex-
ity. An ensemble of these residual nets achieves 3.57% error
on the ImageNet test set. This result won the 1st place on the
ILSVRC 2015 classification task. We also present analysis
on CIFAR-10 with 100 and 1000 layers.

The depth of representations is of central importance
for many visual recognition tasks. Solely due to our ex-
tremely deep representations, we obtain a 28% relative im-
provement on the COCO object detection dataset. Deep
residual nets are foundations of our submissions to ILSVRC
& COCO 2015 competitions 1 , where we also won the 1st
places on the tasks of ImageNet detection, ImageNet local-
ization, COCO detection, and COCO segmentation.


时间: 2024-07-30 16:10:17

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目录 主要内容 代码 He K, Zhang X, Ren S, et al. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition[C]. computer vision and pattern recognition, 2016: 770-778. @article{he2016deep, title={Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition}, author={He, Kaiming and Zhang,

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Paper | Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition

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repost: Deep Reinforcement Learning

From: accessed 2016-03-10 深度强化学习(Deep Reinforcement Learning)的资源 Google的Deep Mind团队2013年在NIPS上发表了一篇牛x闪闪的文章,亮瞎了好多人眼睛,不幸的是我也在其中.前一段时间收集了好多关于这方面的资料,一直躺在收藏夹中,目前正在做一些相关的工作(希望有小伙伴一起交流)