Art of Making a Plan and Keeping a Plan


Hi, everyone, how‘s everything been doing? This is Jack from Shanghai. Today I‘d like to discuss importance of making a plan and keeping it.

Everyone has lots of jobs to do everyday. some even say, you can never finish all the works. Since new work always comes to you and old works always need to be finished. How do we make a balance to handle those stuff. When I was in high school, I was too embarrased to figure out the way to balance study and play.

But now, the answer maybe clearer: Make a plan!

We could make an excel sheet to write down all your stuff, and deadlines. By keeping record of your work and daily progress, it‘s easier to manage your time. At the beginning of each week, please make a plan. And you will see this coming week will be more profitable and expectable.

Secondly, let‘s keep our plans

Words is one thing, while action is another thing. We need to ensure what‘s in our plan is accomplished by the end of the week. So try your best to keep the plans.

Finally, the key to improve yourself is to improve step by step. Do not set your goal too high, and if you fail to reach a goal, do not blame yourself too much. Try to find the cause and change the way you plan, and try again. Be patient and patient. Life will embrace you at last! ;)

Good luck!


From Shanghai

时间: 2024-12-29 11:38:06

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