【翻译自mos文章】在unix/linux中使用文件描述符(File Descriptors)来找回被删掉的文件(数据文件or redo log)

在unix/linux中使用文件描述符(File Descriptors)来找回被删掉的文件(数据文件or redo log)


Retrieve deleted files on Unix / Linux using File Descriptors (Doc ID 444749.1)


Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version to [Release 8.1.7 to 11.2]

Linux x86

Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)

Linux x86-64

***Checked for relevance on 24-Nov-2010***



当符合下列状态时,我们可以借助unix/linux中的proc 文件系统,找回(retrieve)被删除的datafile和logfile

1.) Database is not restarted.

2.) Server is not restarted.

3.) The file was not offline before deletion.

后台进程(DBWR, PMON, SMON etc)访问被本数据库打开的所有datafiles,因此,借助于lsof命令,可以看到被进程open的 文件列表。

被进程打开的任何一个文件,都有一个文件描述符(fd)与该文件相关联。若是该文件被从操作系统中误删除了,该文件的条目(entry)并没有从proc 文件系统中被删除,借助于该entry,我们可以重建被删除的file(datafile or logfile)


1.) Create a tablespace
SQL> create tablespace my_test datafile '/emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf' size 200k;
Tablespace created.

2.) Accidentally, the datafile belonging to this tablespace was deleted
 $ rm /emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf 

3.) Try resizing the datafile
SQL> alter database datafile '/emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf' resize 250k;
alter database datafile '/emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf' resize 250k
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01565: error in identifying file
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
SVR4 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3


1.)找到dbwr进程的os pid

--> $ ps -ef |grep ‘<SID>‘| grep ‘<name_of_background_process>‘

$ ps -ef |grep EMR102U6|grep dbw
emrdbms 21943 1 0 10:27:08 ? 0:00 ora_dbw0_EMR102U6

2.)使用lsof命令为该 ospid 找到打开的文件

$ lsof -p 21943 |grep /emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf

Command PID   USER    FD    TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF     NODE                            NAME
oracle 21943 emrdbms 270uW  VREG 304,25 212992     11273825 /emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf


If you are using NAS then the file name in the above command may not be displayed properly and hence this procedure should not be used under these circumstances.



--> $ cd /proc/ <process_id> / <file_descriptor_directory>‘/

$ cd /proc/21943/fd/

4.)将该表空间read only

alter tablespace my_test read only; 

将表空间置为read only 冻结了文件头,防止文件头的更新。因为 当database 处于open时,只有在datafile 处于read only状态下 才可能copy 该file。

read only 允许用户select 该表空间,但不允许 对该表空间的insert ,update,delete


$ cat 270 > /emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf

6.)为了确保 该file 的copy在 copy后没有被使用,执行如下:

a) Take datafile offline
    alter tablespace my_test offline;

   Query the view v$datafile to verify the datafile is offline:
   select status from v$datafile where file#=<file number>;

b) Bring datafile back online
    alter tablespace my_test online;

7.)将该表空间置为read write

alter tablespace my_test read write;

Query view dba_tablespaces to check status of the tablespace:

select tablespace_name,status from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name=‘MY_TEST‘;


SQL> alter database datafile ‘/emea/rdbms/64bit/app/oracle/oradata/EMR102U6/my_test_01.dbf‘ resize 250k;

Database altered.

注意:该过程也适用于找回被删除的 current redo logfile

【翻译自mos文章】在unix/linux中使用文件描述符(File Descriptors)来找回被删掉的文件(数据文件or redo log)

时间: 2025-01-02 17:21:33

【翻译自mos文章】在unix/linux中使用文件描述符(File Descriptors)来找回被删掉的文件(数据文件or redo log)的相关文章

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