那么我用一个比较变态的SDK举个例子ShareSDK,它就需要自动添加framework,修改plist,还有要修改oc的代码。第一步打开XUPorter/Mods/share.projmods 文件。
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{ "group": "share", "libs": ["libicucore.dylib","libz.1.2.5.dylib"], "frameworks": [ "SystemConfiguration.framework", "QuartzCore.framework", "CoreTelephony.framework", "Security.framework", "AdSupport.framework:optional", "MessageUI.framework", "StoreKit.framework", "AudioToolbox.framework", "QuartzCore.framework" ], "headerpaths": [], "files": [ "ShareSDK/Connection/SinaWeiboConnection.framework", "ShareSDK/Connection/WeChatConnection.framework", "ShareSDK/Core/AGCommon.framework", "ShareSDK/Core/ShareSDKCoreService.framework", "ShareSDK/ShareSDK.framework" ], "folders": ["ShareSDK/"], "excludes": ["^.*.meta$", "^.*.mdown$", "^.*.pdf$"], "linker_flags": [] } |
frameworks分成两种,一种是系统自带的framework还有一种是第三方的framework。 “frameworks”节点里面放的是系统自带的frameworks。”files”节点里面放的是第三方做出来的framework。 尤其是第三方的framework如果位置放的不对,就不会被xcode所引用的!切记切记!!
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[PostProcessBuild (100)] public static void OnPostProcessBuild (BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject) |
自动添加framework的原理其实就是等包打完以后,在这个方法里面进行文件的操作,把需要的framework plist oc 代码拷贝进去,或者修改它们。。
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using UnityEngine; #if UNITY_EDITOR using UnityEditor; using UnityEditor.Callbacks; using UnityEditor.XCodeEditor; using System.Xml; #endif using System.IO; public static class XCodePostProcess { #if UNITY_EDITOR [PostProcessBuild (100)] public static void OnPostProcessBuild (BuildTarget target, string pathToBuiltProject) { if (target != BuildTarget.iPhone) { Debug.LogWarning ("Target is not iPhone. XCodePostProcess will not run"); return; } //得到xcode工程的路径 string path = Path.GetFullPath (pathToBuiltProject); // Create a new project object from build target XCProject project = new XCProject (pathToBuiltProject); // Find and run through all projmods files to patch the project. // Please pay attention that ALL projmods files in your project folder will be excuted! //在这里面把frameworks添加在你的xcode工程里面 string[] files = Directory.GetFiles (Application.dataPath, "*.projmods", SearchOption.AllDirectories); foreach (string file in files) { project.ApplyMod (file); } //增加一个编译标记。。没有的话sharesdk会报错。。 project.AddOtherLinkerFlags("-licucore"); //设置签名的证书, 第二个参数 你可以设置成你的证书 project.overwriteBuildSetting ("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "xxxxxx", "Release"); project.overwriteBuildSetting ("CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY", "xxxxxx", "Debug"); // 编辑plist 文件 EditorPlist(path); //编辑代码文件 EditorCode(path); // Finally save the xcode project project.Save (); } private static void EditorPlist(string filePath) { XCPlist list =new XCPlist(filePath); string bundle = "com.yusong.momo"; string PlistAdd = @" <key>CFBundleURLTypes</key> <array> <dict> <key>CFBundleTypeRole</key> <string>Editor</string> <key>CFBundleURLIconFile</key> <string>[email protected]</string> <key>CFBundleURLName</key> <string>"+bundle+@"</string> <key>CFBundleURLSchemes</key> <array> <string>ww123456</string> </array> </dict> </array>"; //在plist里面增加一行 list.AddKey(PlistAdd); //在plist里面替换一行 list.ReplaceKey("<string>com.yusong.${PRODUCT_NAME}</string>","<string>"+bundle+"</string>"); //保存 list.Save(); } private static void EditorCode(string filePath) { //读取UnityAppController.mm文件 XClass UnityAppController = new XClass(filePath + "/Classes/UnityAppController.mm"); //在指定代码后面增加一行代码 UnityAppController.WriteBelow("#include \"PluginBase/AppDelegateListener.h\"","#import <ShareSDK/ShareSDK.h>"); //在指定代码中替换一行 UnityAppController.Replace("return YES;","return [ShareSDK handleOpenURL:url sourceApplication:sourceApplication annotation:annotation wxDelegate:nil];"); //在指定代码后面增加一行 UnityAppController.WriteBelow("UnityCleanup();\n}","- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url\r{\r return [ShareSDK handleOpenURL:url wxDelegate:nil];\r}"); } #endif } |
在回到ShareSDK上,在接微信平台的时候,它们需要在pList 里面增加URL types选项,这里我通过XCPlist增加一行 或者替换一行。
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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace UnityEditor.XCodeEditor { public partial class XCPlist : System.IDisposable { private string filePath; List<string> contents = new List<string>(); public XCPlist(string fPath) { filePath = Path.Combine( fPath, "info.plist" ); if( !System.IO.File.Exists( filePath ) ) { Debug.LogError( filePath +"路径下文件不存在" ); return; } FileInfo projectFileInfo = new FileInfo( filePath ); StreamReader sr = projectFileInfo.OpenText(); while (sr.Peek() >= 0) { contents.Add(sr.ReadLine()); } sr.Close(); } public void AddKey(string key) { if(contents.Count < 2) return; contents.Insert(contents.Count - 2,key); } public void ReplaceKey(string key,string replace){ for(int i = 0;i < contents.Count;i++){ if(contents[i].IndexOf(key) != -1){ contents[i] = contents[i].Replace(key,replace); } } } public void Save() { StreamWriter saveFile = File.CreateText(filePath); foreach(string line in contents) saveFile.WriteLine(line); saveFile.Close(); } public void Dispose() { } } } |
ShareSDK在接入微信平台的时候 必须修改Unity生成的UnityAppController.mm 文件,这里我通过 XClass 自动修改UnityAppController.mm生成的代码。 主要是增加代码和替换代码 两部分。。
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using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; namespace UnityEditor.XCodeEditor { public partial class XClass : System.IDisposable { private string filePath; public XClass(string fPath) { filePath = fPath; if( !System.IO.File.Exists( filePath ) ) { Debug.LogError( filePath +"路径下文件不存在" ); return; } } public void WriteBelow(string below, string text) { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath); string text_all = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); int beginIndex = text_all.IndexOf(below); if(beginIndex == -1){ Debug.LogError(filePath +"中没有找到标致"+below); return; } int endIndex = text_all.LastIndexOf("\n", beginIndex + below.Length); text_all = text_all.Substring(0, endIndex) + "\n"+text+"\n" + text_all.Substring(endIndex); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath); streamWriter.Write(text_all); streamWriter.Close(); } public void Replace(string below, string newText) { StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath); string text_all = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); int beginIndex = text_all.IndexOf(below); if(beginIndex == -1){ Debug.LogError(filePath +"中没有找到标致"+below); return; } text_all = text_all.Replace(below,newText); StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(filePath); streamWriter.Write(text_all); streamWriter.Close(); } public void Dispose() { } } } |
建议大家把工程下载下来看看一基本上就明白它的工作原理了。如果你掌握者本篇文章的知识 那么恭喜你 自动化打包就已经完成了一半。。 现在我们已经可以自动化生成 xcode工程了,等有时间的话我会把下一半shell 自动化打包.ipa的方法在整理出来。。