COMP SCI 3306 Assignment 3: Frequent Itemsets, Clustering

Assignment 3: Frequent Itemsets, Clustering,
Formative, Weight (15%), Learning objectives (1, 2, 3),
Abstraction (4), Design (4), Communication (4), Data (5), Programming (5)
Due date: 11 : 59pm, 3 June, 2019
1 Overview
Read the following carefully as it differs from the last assignment.
For students who are taking the course COMP SCI 3306 (i.e., undergraduate
students), this assignment can be done in groups consisting of two students. If
you have problems finding a group partner use the forum to search for group
partners or contact the lecturer.
For other students who are taking the course COMP SCI 7306, this assignment
should be done individually.
References to sections, examples, etc. refer to the book of “Leskovec, Rajaraman
and Ullman: Mining Massive Datasets (Second Edition)”.
2 Assignment
Exercise 1 Frequent Itemsets (15+15+10+10 points)
For this exercise, you have to read Section 6.4 up to 6.4.3.
1. Implement the simple, randomized algorithm given in 6.4.1
2. Implement the algorithm of Savasere, Omiecinski, and Navathe (SON algorithm)
in 6.4.3
3. Compare the two algorithms on the datasets T10I4D100K, T40I10D100K,

COMP SCI 3306作业代做、Clustering留学生作业代做、代写Java/c++
chess, connect, mushroom, pumsb, pumsb star provided at
and report the outcomes.
COMP SCI 3306, COMP SCI 7306 Mining Big Data Semester 1, 2019
4. Experiment with dierent sample sizes in the simple randomized algorithm
such as 1, 2, 5, 10% and compare your results (including the result produced
by the SON algorithm).
Your approach should be as efficient as possible in terms of runtime and
memory requirements.
Report on challenges that you might have observed in the implementation
and by running experiments.
Exercise 2 Clustering (10+20 points)
1. Perform a hierarchical clustering on the one-dimensional set of points
1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81.
assuming the clusters are represented by their centroid (average), and at
each step the clusters with the closest centroids are merged. (Exercise
2. Implement the K-means algorithm and carry out experiments on the provided
Iris dataset.
a) You are asked to plot the K-means results by plotting the first 2 dimensions
of the input data as well as the converged centroids.
b) Provide some discussions about how you pick the value of K in K-means.
For the Iris data, only use the first 4 dimension for this exercise. In other
words, discard the label information.
Exercise 3 Advertising (Exercise 8.4.1) (10+10 points)
Consider Example 8.7. Suppose that there are three advertisers A, B, and
C. There are three queries x, y, and z. Each advertiser has a budget of 2.
Advertiser A only bids on x, B bids on x and y, and C bids on x, y, and z. Note
that on the query sequence xxyyzz, the optimal offine algorithm would yield a
revenue of 6, since all queries can be assigned.
1. Show that the greedy algorithm will assign at least 4 of the 6 queries
2. Find another sequence of queries such that the greedy algorithm can assign
as few as half the queries that the optimal offline algorithm would assign
to that sequence.
3 Procedure for handing in the assignment
Work should be handed in using Canvas. The submission should include:
COMP SCI 3306, COMP SCI 7306 Mining Big Data Semester 1, 2019
a PDF file of your solutions for theoretical assignments. The solutions
should contain of a detailed description of how to obtain the result.
For Exercise 2.2, you should properly provide comments in your code to
show your understanding.
all source files, all the project files.
a README.txt file containing instructions to run the code, the names,
student numbers, and email addresses of the group members.

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时间: 2024-07-30 17:43:24

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