Common Issues Which Cause Roles to Recycle

    This section lists some of the common causes of deployment problems, and
    offers troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the problems. An indication
    that a problem exists with an application is when the role instance fails to
    start, or it cycles between the initializing, busy, and stopping states.

    Missing Runtime Dependencies

    If a role in your application relies on any assembly that is not part of
    the .NET Framework or the Windows Azure managed library, you must explicitly
    include that assembly in the application package. Keep in mind that other
    Microsoft frameworks are not available on Windows Azure by default. If your
    role relies on such a framework, you must add those assemblies to the
    application package.

    Before you build and package your application, verify the following:

    • The Copy Local property is set to True for each referenced assembly in
      your project that is not part of the Windows Azure SDK or the .NET
      Framework, if you are using Visual Studio. If you are not using Visual
      Studio, you must specify the locations for referenced assemblies when you
      call CSPack. For more information about using CSPack, seeCSPack
      Command-Line Tool

    • The web.config file does not reference any unused assemblies in the
      compilation element, and all references point to assemblies that are either
      part of the .NET Framework or the Windows Azure SDK, or that have their Copy
      Local property set to True in Visual Studio, or that are included in the
      application package by running CSPack.

    • The Build Action of every .cshtml file is set to Content. This ensures
      that the files will appear correctly in the package and allows other
      referenced files to appear in the package.

    Assembly Targets Wrong Platform

    Windows Azure is a 64-bit environment. Therefore, .NET assemblies compiled
    for a 32-bit target won‘t work on Windows Azure.

    Role Throws Unhandled Exceptions While Initializing or Stopping

    Any exceptions that are thrown by the methods of the RoleEntryPoint
    class, which includes the OnStart,
    and Run,
    are unhandled exceptions. If an unhandled exception occurs in one of these
    methods, the role will recycle. If the role is recycling repeatedly, it may be
    throwing an unhandled exception each times it tries to start.

    Role Returns from Run Method

    The Run
    method is intended to run indefinitely. If your code overrides the Run method,
    it should sleep indefinitely. If the Run method returns, the role

    Incorrect DiagnosticsConnectionString Setting

    If application uses Windows Azure Diagnostics, then your service
    configuration file must specify the DiagnosticsConnectionString configuration
    setting. This setting should specify an HTTPS connection to your storage
    account in Windows Azure.

    To ensure that your DiagnosticsConnectionString setting is correct before
    you deploy your application package to Windows Azure, verify the

    • The DiagnosticsConnectionString setting points to a valid storage
      account in Windows Azure. By default, this setting points to the emulated
      storage account, so you must explicitly change this setting before you
      deploy your application package. If you do not change this setting, an
      exception is thrown when the role instance attempts to start the diagnostic
      monitor. This may cause the role instance to recycle indefinitely.

    • The connection string is specified in the following format (the protocol
      must be specified as HTTPS). Replace MyAccountName with the name of your
      storage account, andMyAccountKey with your access key:


      For more information about using connection strings, see Configuring
      Windows Azure Connection Strings

    If you are developing your application using the Windows Azure Tools for
    Microsoft Visual Studio, you can use the property pages to set this value. For
    more information about using Visual Studio to set the configuration values,
    see Configuring the Cloud

    Exported Certificate Does Not Include Private Key

    To run a web role under SSL, you must ensure that your exported management
    certificate includes the private key. If you use the Windows Certificate
    Manager to export the certificate, be sure to select the Yes, export the
    private key option. The certificate must be exported to the PFX format, which
    is the only format currently supported.

    See Also


    Troubleshooting and
    Debugging in Windows Azure

    来自 <>

时间: 2024-08-13 04:46:45

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