Lesson 67-68 Teens who smoke and drink

1 infancy 婴儿期,初期  maturity成熟,到期,壮年期n

eg. Human experience a delayed maturity.We arrive at all stages of life later than other mammels.人类发育较缓——在生命的各个阶段,我们都晚于其他哺乳动物。

2 vice 不道德行为,缺点,恶习n eg. Ingratitude is a despicable vice.忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为

   eg. In spite of his vices,he was loved by all.尽管他有缺点, 还是受到大家的爱戴

    代替,副的 eg. Mr.Black has been appointed leader vice Mr.Brown.布莱克先生取代布朗先生被任命为队长。

3 despicable卑鄙的 wick灯芯,激怒n

  eg. From beginning to end,his conduct had been despicable and wicked.从头到尾他的行为既卑鄙又可恶.

  eg. The professor was beginning to get on(开始做) Molly’s wick.教授快要把莫莉惹毛了。

4 get on 和睦相处,开始(继续)做,取得进展(成功)eg. The host fears the guests won’t get on.主人担心客人们会相处得不愉快

eg. Jane got on with her work.简继续干她的工作。

  eg. When he came back to see me, I asked how he had got on.他回来看我的时候,我问他进展如何

5 get away with逃脱惩罚,侥幸成功v eg. This is one of the few jobs you can do and get away with being completely drunk.这是你能干的为数不多的几份工作之一,喝得烂醉如泥也没人管。

6 sophisticated精密的,复杂的;时髦的,见过世面的;老练的

7 cave in 坍塌,屈服,让步n eg. I had a serious breakdown,everything just seemed to cave in on top of me.我曾经有过一次精神崩溃,好像天塌了一样

   eg. He’s caved in on capital punishment.在是否应保留死刑的问题上,他已经让步了。

8 habitual习惯的,典型的 eg. If bad posture becomes habitual, you risk long-term effects.不良姿势一旦定型,日后可就有你受的了。

9 rebel 叛逆者,造反者n eg.fighting between rebels and government forces.叛军和政府军之间的战争

           叛逆,反对v eg. The child who rebels is unlikely to be overlooked.叛逆的孩子不太容易被忽视。

10 defy 违抗v eg. This was the first time that I dared to defy my mother.这是我第一次(也是最后一次)胆敢反抗我的母亲

           挑战,激v eg. I defy you to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister.我敢说你讲不出现任首相的哪怕一项重大成就。

           难以描述(理解) eg.  When the flowers open in spring,they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description.春天鲜花开放时,夜里的空气中会弥漫一种难以名状的香气

11 charismatic有魅力的,有感召力的 eg. Her striking looks and charismatic personality.她出众的相貌和迷人的气质

12 idealism理想主义 preventable可预防的 eg. Most common health upsets that spoil a holiday are easily preventable.导致假期泡汤的大多数常见的身体不适都是很容易预防的。

13 defiant 藐视的,不服的,挑战的 eg.The players are in defiant mood as they prepare for tommorrow’s game.球员在备战明天的比赛时带着蔑视对手的情绪。

14 restlessness 焦躁不安的,不满的 eg. By 1962,she was restless and needed a new impetus for talent.到了1982年,她感到厌倦了,需要新的动力来激发她的才能。

15 divert into转入...领域eg. He diverted himself into a new field of study.他转入新的研究领域。

16 experiment with以..做实验 eg.Is he any good at gardening?We might experiment with him.他擅长园艺吗?我们可以试试他

17 childish幼稚的 Don’t be so childish.别这么不懂事。

Lesson 67-68 Teens who smoke and drink

时间: 2024-12-13 03:16:24

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