在block函数中规避错误信息 "capturing self strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle”


       _fontValueChangedBlock = ^(){
            [self.fontSmallButton addTarget:self action:@selector(btnFontSmallClicked) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

的代码为例,这个代码运行会报警告。"capturing self strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle”


        __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;

        _fontValueChangedBlock = ^(){
            typeof(weakSelf) __strong strongSelf = weakSelf;
            [strongSelf.fontSmallButton addTarget:strongSelf action:@selector(btnFontSmallClicked) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

参考 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16067712/avoiding-the-capturing-self-strongly-in-this-block-is-likely-to-lead-to-a-retai

时间: 2024-10-07 07:14:49

在block函数中规避错误信息 "capturing self strongly in this block is likely to lead to a retain cycle”的相关文章


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