使用Python find函数和urllib下载图片。
#!/usr/bin/env python import time import urllib i = 0 url = [‘‘]*10 name = [‘‘]*10 con = urllib.urlopen(‘http://www.ithome.com/html/bizhi/164396.htm‘).read() src = con.find(r‘/newsuploadfiles‘) end = con.find(r‘.jpg‘,src) name[0] = con[src +24 :end +1] while src != -1 and end != -1 and i < 10: url[0] = con[src -21 :end +4] src = con.find(r‘/newsuploadfiles‘,end) end = con.find(r‘.jpg‘,src) content = urllib.urlopen(url[0]).read() open(r‘img/‘+ name[0]+‘jpg‘,‘w+‘).write(content) name[0] = con[src +24 :end +1] print url[0] time.sleep(3) i = i + 1 else: print "Download Over!"
时间: 2024-11-11 11:14:55